Fun Tidbit on my Flickr Stats….

Referrer Stats!

Do you guys ever check your referral stats on Flickr? I like to check out what’s there from time to time. On google image search I got a lot of searches for my tattoos yesterday! Random!

But on google itself, check out what someone searched for. Click on the image to see all sizes/bigger sizes.

I think this is so cute because I’m a complete idiot when it comes to makeup. I don’t really know how to do anything fancy. If I try to use colorful eyeshadow or eyeliner, I feel like a clown or a prostitute (one time I came back from a photoshoot and my cousin said I looked like a ‘busted geisha’), so I pretty much have the same look every darn day. I have an automatic morning routine, and I always buy the same products over and over again. But just In case anyone was interested, here are some of my go-to products:

Red Tee 1(taken for

(I picked a nice and happy photo for y’all here!)

Eye Liner: Revlon ColorStay in the black. My eyes are really watery or oily, and most eyeliners smudge and rub right off me. This one has some good staying power, but it’s self-sharpening so there’s never a sharp tip. I also use this on my eyebrows and carefully smudge with my fingers, because I am LAZY and don’t bother to use a separate special brow pencil.

Eye shadow: CoverGirl, in whatever the sparkly black is. It’s not the most pigmented stuff ever, but I like that you can stick the sponge applicator in the case, and that I can just pick it up from Walgreen’s or Safeway whenever I want. (See, nobody worth their makeup-salt is going to use eyeshadow sponge applicators!!! I do have brushes, but I never use them. I’m too LAZY. The sponge applicator is right in there! I do buy extra applicators from CoverGirl and replace it regularly so I don’t get any STYES or anything.)

Blush: Bourjois in Rose D’or. It smells good, too! The downside is I ALWAYS break the hinges on the case, and I ALWAYS just slap a piece of First Aid tape on there and call it a day. It works!

Powder: I use the pressed powder compact from Shiseido. I haven’t experimented very much with powders or foundations. This is pretty much what my mother first got me years and years ago and I just stuck with it! I have fairly oily skin, so I don’t want to venture so much into liquid foundations.

Lip Gloss: I do not like lipstick. I am a lipgloss girl. My current fave is Bourjois also, in Framboise Magnific #23. Sometimes I switch it up with Shiseido Shimmering Lipstick in SL 14. It has sparkles! And I love the color. However, because of the sparkles, it can feel a little funky on your lips, so I don’t use it a lot except for taking photos or going out.

That’s pretty much it. Don’t forget to use a moisturizer with sunscreen!!! I think that’s the one piece of makeup/skincare advice I can give with confidence! (I’m using one by JUICE right now. It’s not a super high SPF, but I’m not outside very much, if at all!)

7 Comments on “Fun Tidbit on my Flickr Stats….”

  • Kimi


    What a coincidence, I was JUST thinking the same thing but was too scared to ask you. I wanted to know how you did your great eyeliner, so this is a perfect post for me. I wasn’t the one who did that Google search though, honest! 😛

  • Haeri


    Must. Resist. Buying. Cosmetics.

    Who am I kidding? I’ve already added the Bourjois stuff to my mental shopping cart.

    • It’s ok. It’s just mental. You’ll forget about all of it in 72 hrs. PRomise 🙂

  • brandy


    I think you are so beautiful and cute! I adore your style and your craftiness. I wanted to know about your makeup too, but was afraid to ask as well. I also am in love with your sleeve! You are so awesome!

  • Michelle


    Oh thank you for sharing your makeup info with us. I am not a big makeup kind of gal. I usually stick to eyeliner, lip gloss, bit of shadow, and blush. My eyeliner likes to pull a runner too. You have given me some ideas on what to pick up. I am ready to chuck out my old stuff now and start fresh, which I should do since most of my stuff is old and untouched. LOL! I think your makeup is so pretty and I will have to go out and hunt down some of what you have mentioned.

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