scooter, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.
I am pretty sure I’ve blogged about PillowPillowPillow before, but I just got my Scooter in and had to share once more!!!
Scooter is PillowPillowPillow creator Aaron’s super cute pup turned art pillow. I always wanted a weinerdog, and now I have one!!!!
In my PPP package I also got news that our very own BIBI will be a pillow!!! YAY!!!! Aaron sent me a graphic of Bibi and it is SO CUTE YOU WILL DIE!!!! But I will save it as a surprise for whenever the pillow is actually available, and you too will be able to own a Bibi!!!
Or, you can always send in a pic of your own pooch or kitty to be in the running for pillowfication!