I am getting a heck of a lot of use out of my black jumper! And again, it’s my cute kitty tee by Em and Sprout.
I got dressed doublequickstyle today because I had to race to the office to meet with a potential intern.
Then, I had to go to the post office, so I took a break to get brown rice sushi and Odwalla carrot juice and to drop off some of my TurkeyDay/eBay packages.
While walking back to my car, someone approached me, and this is how it all went down. I call this scene, “The Back-handed Compliment.”
Lady: Your look is so cute!
Me: Thanks!
Lady: It looks like you work really hard to look that way!
Me: Uh…well…you kind of just start accumulating some things here and there … and the next thing you know, you look like THIS.
Lady: You and I look better than aaaaaall these people out on the street. Some people leave the house in sweat shirts and sweat pants! Where’s the femininity?
Me: (opening car door) Well, it’s nice to be comfortable, too. OK BYE!
Please to visualize this woman with very curly permy hair, a fur vest, and a wrist brace which I thought at first was a wrist warmer which would have been awesome.
When I am an old lady, I will wear fur vests.
It did make me wonder, tho, if I have become too vain or concerned with my physical appearance.
When I was in fourth or fifth grade, I went to my friend Kate’s house, and she and her other friend Erin were going to go shopping at the mall. I was not really into shopping or clothes at this point, but I went anyway to hang out. Erin asked, “Did your mom give you money to shop?” And 9 year old me was like, “Heck yeah! I have forty dollars!” and Erin was like, “Forty dollars? For clothes!?” I felt very weird hanging out at that point. What loser only brings $40 to the mall to go clothes shopping! I’ll take one sock from Banana Republic please! THX!
Today, I still do not like browsing racks at malls, although I am an INSANE online shopper. But I wonder if I care too much how I look when I leave the house. I will NOT leave the house without eyeliner. I look like a 60 year old alien without eyeliner. Trust me. This is a service that I do for you. But the clothes and the hairclips and the purses? I guess that’s for me, and I’m okay with that. If it makes me feel happy and cute and okay with the world, that ain’t such a bad thing.
Oh yeah, here are Hairy and Bibi. She looks really evil.