Kawaii Box Giveaway!
/ | 19 Comments on Kawaii Box Giveaway!If you liked what you saw in my Kawaii Box post…. you now have a chance to win a free box filled with next month’s goodies!
What’s inside June’s box is a complete mystery!!! Maybe you’ll be the one to see what’s inside! If you missed my original post, I also just uploaded a video to YouTube, showing you what’s inside this month’s box.
Um, I bought a hula hoop!
/ | 18 Comments on Um, I bought a hula hoop!A lot of cute girls on Insta like TinyTangerines have been posting their adorable hula hooping videos lately! I would not have felt compelled to join this club, except my buddy from SuperGood also mentions hooping while watching tv, which seems to me a nice, mindless, easy way to sneak in a tiny bit of exercise without a lot of fuss (I don’t think I will try to learn tricks or fancy things).
My buddy told me that hula hoops arrive in a somewhat surprising way, i.e. not in a shipping box, so I told her I would make a short vlog about getting, unwrapping, and using my hoop for the first time. Here’s the video!
Let’s check out KAWAII BOX!
/ | 20 Comments on Let’s check out KAWAII BOX!Do you guys subscribe to any monthly goodie services? I’ve purchased Birchbox for my mom, and I currently subscribe to Graze cuz it’s snacks, and I know I’m gonna eat snacks! My buddies at Blippo.com now have a new, super cute, monthly subscription service called Kawaii Box! The service is $16.90 per month, and subscribers receive a box filled with hand-picked kawaii items from Japan and Korea. Boxes are shipped in the beginning of each month, and the shipping is absolutely free, anywhere on the planet! Each box includes 10-12 cute, original and licensed kawaii items. They asked if I would like to check out May’s box, and I said sure!
Crocheted Baby Veggies!
/ | 8 Comments on Crocheted Baby Veggies!My little nephew turned 1! It’s weird to think he has been on this planet for a whole year already. I watched him eat his first taste of cake and frosting, and his reaction to the absolute wonder that is CUPCAKESSSSSSSSS was super sweet and funny.
On his bday wishlist was a set of crocheted veggies. As a crocheter, my brain obviously told me to make these myself! Or at least something similar! A lot of the cotton yarn I was seeing was not super easy care (machine wash, but air dry), and I wanted the toys to be fully machine washable, so I used both Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice and Deborah Norvile’s Everyday Worsted. I test-washed them first by popping them into a delicate cycle with a low-tumble, and they came out just the same as they went in.
I made a carrot, corn, eggplant, potato, mushroom, radish, and tomato. I think my favorite is the radish! Second favorite: potato!
I packaged them in a cute little basket and wrapped it all up in clear cello, like an actual gift basket of food. I don’t know if he’ll actually play with them, but it was certainly a fun project! Hairy’s nephew really loved to play with fake food when he was younger, so maybe Ender will go through a fake food phase as well! I don’t know anything about babies, so I think these might be a bit big for him to hold (except by the greens/stems!), but I didn’t want to make them too small for fear him trying to eat any of it!
Here’s a link to “crochet vegetable” on Etsy, and here is a link to “crochet vegetable pattern” on Etsy. People on Instagram asked me if I were selling these in my shop, but since so many on Etsy are doing it already, I feel like I should maybe step back on that one!
May Blog Sponsor Giveaway!
/ | 126 Comments on May Blog Sponsor Giveaway!It’s the 15th of the month, so it’s time to launch a new blog sponsor giveaway! Thanks so much to my generous sponsors for offering us these wonderful goodies! One lucky winner will receive: