Long Overdue Update!!

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SOOOOOOoooooo, I have to admit, I have been failing on the blog front here. Now that I have blog sponsors, I feel super guilty when I’m not able to blog regularly. I should probably foresee when I’m about to get busy and then invite guest-bloggers to help fill in the blanks, but sometimes all the deadlines rush up all at the same time, and you barely remember to eat or wash your face, let alone organize guest-bloggers!!

I suddenly had 3 huge deadlines all coincide with one another (along with Etsy orders). I completed one project, am working on completing another right now (taking a quick break but need to ship it this afternoon), and have another one due in about 10 days. These are all kind of secret projects with companies you know, so I can’t really share progress updates. One of them is launching in June, one in July, and the other… I actually have no idea! Hehe.

Project #1 is a _________  that I’m contributing crochet patterns to starring your favorite characters from  ____________.  I’m actually only finished with the first deadline for that but have to hold off on the rest of it because my other projects are due first!

Project #2 is a __________ that I’m crocheting for ____________. They will be holding some cool sweepstakes and giveaways that are collabs with artist/designers, so you’ll have the chance to win some _________ -themed goodies.

Project #3 is a little ________________ that I’m crocheting, which will be part of a new interactive website from your favorite TV show _______________.  When they approached me and sent me a little PDF of what the project was, and the cover page had our logos on it, ___________ x Twinkie Chan, I felt really excited and proud!! It’s physically a small project, but I’ve been taking it apart over and over again to get it juuuuuust right.

Soooo, that’s what I’ve been up to and will be up to for a little bit longer! 😉 I hope you guys have a great weekend. I’ll actually be in a cabin somewhere for the next two nights to celebrate a friend’s 40th birthday. Hopefully I can relax a little mentally and not worry about __________, _____________, and __________ !

I will leave you with a sneak peek of the next Yummy You! scarf (if you follow me on Instagram, then you’ve already seen this)! I’m just waiting for our shipment to come in so I can put it in the store 🙂

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Kawaii Box Giveaway!

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If you liked what you saw in my Kawaii Box post…. you now have a chance to win a free box filled with next month’s goodies!

Screen Shot 2014-05-21 at 8.16.05 PMWhat’s inside June’s box is a complete mystery!!! Maybe you’ll be the one to see what’s inside! If you missed my original post, I also just uploaded a video to YouTube, showing you what’s inside this month’s box.

Enter to win with the Rafflecopter widget below! Good luck! And thanks to Kawaii Box for sponsoring this giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Um, I bought a hula hoop!

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Froot Hoop

A lot of cute girls on Insta like TinyTangerines have been posting their adorable hula hooping videos lately! I would not have felt compelled to join this club, except my buddy from SuperGood also mentions hooping while watching tv, which seems to me a nice, mindless, easy way to sneak in a tiny bit of exercise without a lot of fuss (I don’t think I will try to learn tricks or fancy things).

My buddy told me that hula hoops arrive in a somewhat surprising way, i.e. not in a shipping box, so I told her I would make a short vlog about getting, unwrapping, and using my hoop for the first time. Here’s the video!

I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time to use it aside from the 10 seconds I did in the video….but I have hope for me! 😛

Let’s check out KAWAII BOX!

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Do you guys subscribe to any monthly goodie services? I’ve purchased Birchbox for my mom, and I currently subscribe to Graze cuz it’s snacks, and I know I’m gonna eat snacks! My buddies at Blippo.com now have a new, super cute, monthly subscription service called Kawaii Box! The service is $16.90 per month, and subscribers receive a box filled with hand-picked kawaii items from Japan and Korea. Boxes are shipped in the beginning of each month, and the shipping is absolutely free, anywhere on the planet! Each box includes 10-12 cute, original and licensed kawaii items. They asked if I would like to check out May’s box, and I said sure!

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Crocheted Baby Veggies!

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veggies3smMy little nephew turned 1! It’s weird to think he has been on this planet for a whole year already. I watched him eat his first taste of cake and frosting, and his reaction to the absolute wonder that is CUPCAKESSSSSSSSS was super sweet and funny.

On his bday wishlist was a set of crocheted veggies. As a crocheter, my brain obviously told me to make these myself! Or at least something similar! A lot of the cotton yarn I was seeing was not super easy care (machine wash, but air dry), and I wanted the toys to be fully machine washable, so I used both Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice and Deborah Norvile’s Everyday Worsted. I test-washed them first by popping them into a delicate cycle with a low-tumble, and they came out just the same as they went in.


I made a carrot, corn, eggplant, potato, mushroom, radish, and tomato. I think my favorite is the radish! Second favorite: potato!


I packaged them in a cute little basket and wrapped it all up in clear cello, like an actual gift basket of food. I don’t know if he’ll actually play with them, but it was certainly a fun project! Hairy’s nephew really loved to play with fake food when he was younger, so maybe Ender will go through a fake food phase as well! I don’t know anything about babies, so I think these might be a bit big for him to hold (except by the greens/stems!), but I didn’t want to make them too small for fear him trying to eat any of it!

Here’s a link to “crochet vegetable” on Etsy, and here is a link to “crochet vegetable pattern” on Etsy. People on Instagram asked me if I were selling these in my shop, but since so many on Etsy are doing it already, I feel like I should maybe step back on that one!



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