Free Pattern: Crochet Flower Crown or Daisy Chain Crown

I know it’s fall and that flower crowns are more of a spring thing… but you could play with colors and still be a fall flower princess!

I originally created this pattern for A Beautiful Mess blog, and I taught this class at Craftcation, but I wanted to make sure the rest of you guys had access to this pattern, too.

I’m in a bit of a rush, so I’m gonna slap this link to a PDF download for now! –> Crochet Flower Crown

8 Comments on “Free Pattern: Crochet Flower Crown or Daisy Chain Crown”

  • Karen Brathwaite


    Thank you Ms. Twinkie for the free printout. And maybe you can look for the free printout for the Glazed Ham scarf. Thank you and May God bless you.

  • wooly brain


    Thank you Twinkie for such a cute pattern, you are very generous <3 You look like a beautiful flower fairy : ) P.S. Hope your doing well <3 <3

    • TwinkieChan


      Hello! Thank you so much <3. Busy, but well!!! Wish I had more time for blogging and getting crochet patterns ready, but really haven't had the chance :(.

      • Michelle


        Hi Twinkie,
        Do you tie this around the back of your head or attach to a rigid headband. Really cute idea. Do you know when your new book will be coming out? I have your first two and can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

        Thanks, Michelle


        • TwinkieChan


          Hi, Michelle! I tie it right to my head! You can certainly use a rigid headband if that is what you prefer. I’m currently in the planning stages for my next book, and I’m going to try to self-publish it so not sure about the timeline :). Hopefully sooner rather than later!

  • Tanya Bishop


    Oh my goodness! Look at older posts duh! I don’t know how I missed this until now. I can’t wait to whip it up and wear it around! Cute!

    • TwinkieChan


      This is the project I taught at Craftcation. Everyone loved it!

    • Michelle


      Hi Twinkie,
      Do you tie this around the back of your head or attach to a rigid headband? Really cute idea. Do you know when your new book will be coming out? I have your first two and can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

      Thanks, Michelle


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