Cupcake Pencil Topper Pattern in Simply Crochet, Issue 51!


I have a cute little pattern available now in Issue 51 of Simply Crochet magazine! It’s a  cupcake pencil topper, and it’s perfect for a stocking-stuffer or a “just thinking of you.”


I don’t usually crochet tiny things, so this is probably the smallest cupcake I’ve ever worked on. I hope to see some of your cupcake pencil toppers out there!! It’s a great stash-buster and so adorably sweet!

11 Comments on “Cupcake Pencil Topper Pattern in Simply Crochet, Issue 51!”

  • Monica Parcell


    I hope it hits walmart

  • Jennifer H.


    So adorable! I’m going to have to find that issue!

  • Lucy Piper


    i got my copy the other day you should have seen how excited i got that you featured in it lol your deffo my favourite crocheter ever!!! also just wondering if you still have plans to put the sloth pen cosy and little shrimp designs on your blog or in your shop??? deffo need those little guys in my life. hope you make some time for yourself too xx

  • Karen Brathwaite


    That’s really cute, Thank you Ms. Twinkie I will look for the magazine at a bookstore near where I work and may God bless you and your family.

  • wooly brain


    Super cute cupcake. I can’t wait to get Simply Crochet mag, I will make it straightaway when I do. So adorable : )

  • Audrey


    Tried to order issue #51 of Simply Crochet… but having problems with the subscription office people. They are punting between the UK office and a US office. Not worth the effort. Take care when ordering from the magazine website.

  • Inge


    Hi thee,
    I’m Inge from the Netherlands and I am looking for a pattern in the Simply Crochet 51: The reindeer. On your blog I can see you have got this edition and I want to ask you of I could make a scan of this pattern for me? I can’t buy an old version in the Netherlands. I would love to hear if that would be possible.

    • TwinkieChan


      Hi! Are you able to buy an electronic version? That is what I did back then. But I wouldn’t feel comfortable copying it as that is a violation of any print copyright. I’m sorry!

  • Sandy


    Hello, where can i buy the cupcake topper pattern please ? On your shop etsy ?

    • TwinkieChan


      Hi! The magazine had an exclusive on this pattern, but of course this is very very old now. I’ll have to dig up the pattern to put it on Etsy! I’ll try to find time to do so, but I have such a huge back log… I need an assistant! 😛

  • jenny


    hi there! can i have a copy of your Cupcake Pencil Topper Pattern? I would like to do it just like how you made it beautifully! hope to hear from you! tysm!

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