See you at Urban Craft Uprising in Seattle this December!

UCUFinalsmall longI’ll only be vending at one holiday show this season, and it will be in SEATTLE!!! Urban Craft Uprising! December 5&6 at the Seattle Exhibition Hall. I also crocheted some promo art for the show of Seattle’s skyline wearing their winter gear! This will be on a billboard in Seattle, so if you see it, send me pics!

ucudetail1ucudetail2ucudetail3I’m kinda in love with these little trees. They are super easy, and I’ll post the pattern here on my blog in a bit.

Here is the sketch that I used as a reference. His hat got all weird because I kept changing my mind about the colors!

Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 7.55.11 PMThis project really took a lot out of me, but it was super fun to watch it come to life. I really liked making tiny accessories, which is shocking, because generally I hate working small!  The total piece is 36 inches wide and 18 inches tall, bigger than I’d planned, but…. you know… IT HAPPENS. I almost ran out of that light blue yarn and had a heart attack because I was on such a tight deadline.

Normally I adhere my crochet paintings to actual canvases, but there wasn’t a canvas that was 36 x 18, so I ended up cutting down some thick foam core. I would NOT recommend this. While the crochet does stick to the paper facing, the paper facing also PEELS RIGHT OFF THE FOAM. Use canvases or wood, when you can!

So if you’re in Seattle and are planning to swing by the show, let me know if you want me to bring certain items in particular. My book won’t be out by then, but if I have time, I plan to make this mini-pattern-book with a funny theme that I’ve been wanting to write forever. More on that later!

8 Comments on “See you at Urban Craft Uprising in Seattle this December!”

  • Kayla


    Can you please make a crochet tutorial for a shopkins?!!
    Or any kind of cute sentient fruit 😀

    • TwinkieChan


      I always feel a bit weird when designing projects based on trademarked characters : /. But we can try cute/sentient fruit :). Any fruit in particular?

      • Kayla


        Maybe you could make a mini milkshake or mini hot dog. I’m a sucker for mini junk food it’s cute and fun!
        The milkshake would be super colorful and artificial. With a pile of whipped cream on top and cute arms and legs!! Thanks for reading!

    • Kayla


      I can’t find your reply, but I know you sent one. So I’ll just post here! Maybe you could make a mini milkshake or mini hot dog. I’m a sucker for mini junk food it’s cute and fun!
      The milkshake would be super colorful and artificial. With a pile of whipped cream on top and cute arms and legs!! Thanks for reading!

    • TwinkieChan


      Aw thanks so much, Renee!

  • Amy


    This is amazing! I’d love the tutorial for those trees! 🙂 x

    • TwinkieChan


      That is definitely coming up!

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