I’m a bit predictable. If I’m entertaining out-of-town visitors, I always want to take them to PikaPika in Japantown for some purikura or Japanese photobooth fun. It’s always really stressful because time goes very quickly in the photobooth, and sometimes the pics turn out well, and sometimes they don’t, and you just sorta go with it cuz it costs $10 bucks.
A few weeks ago, my friend Candace from SuperGoodClothing spent a week-long layover with me. We ate tons of snacks, cooked junk food (I need to edit video for IEatYuckyStuff!) and went to J-town 3 days in a row. Why? The first day, we got there too late, and after shopping at Daiso, we didn’t have enough time for PikaPika. On Day 2, we got there only to find out that it was closed for a special event. We did visit Mitsu Tea House, the new bubble tea place, which also serves shave ice/”snows” which I don’t usually get. But Candace got a strawberry shortcake one that has actual cake in it, and I approve! Day 3 was the magic day for us to let loose our creative and artistic spirits, as evidenced above. Candace is the only person I know with an effed-up sleep schedule like me, hence, #lackofsleeppals as well as brain damage references. We need help. We’re working on it.