Check out my donut nail stickers!

Nail1I’m in LA for the weekend for a superkawaii pastel wedding, so I decided to give my new nail stickers a whirl!!! I bought a bunch of different sets from JSUtopia, and this is my first attempt at applying them. It’s actually really easy and essentially peel n stick n seal with clear polish.

nail2While I enjoy an evening of doodling on my nails myself, it was a real time save to just stick some art on! I also picked up some puppies and kitties and woodland creatures, but I really have my eye on the burger set now!

12 Comments on “Check out my donut nail stickers!”

  • They look so rad. I have never been good at painting my nails. I will totally be trying out nails stickers now.

    • TwinkieChan


      The ones I bought: I can kinda see the edges of the stickers, but I think if people cut around them really closely, they would be better? Hehe

  • These are SO cute! Guessing it’s for Liz & Nara’s wedding? Sounds like the perfect accessory!!!

    • TwinkieChan


      Indeed!!!! The store offered a candy-themed set, too, but for some reason, I only grabbed the donuts!

  • Ellen


    I love them! They’re too damn cute. 🙂

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you! I’m excited to try some of the others!

  • Love them! Oh Twinkie Chan, you always bring a smile to my face. 🙂

  • Fiona


    So cute and I love how you did the pink sprinkled nails too!

    • TwinkieChan


      Wondering what to do with my nails next! Hehhe

  • Ashley


    What’s the pink confetti color? Thanks!

    • TwinkieChan


      OH gosh. I don’t really remember. I’m going to assume maybe a Deborah Lippman?

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