Crafty Bastards 2014 Re-Cap!


Thanks so much to the folks who came out to visit at Crafty Bastards in Washington DC last weekend! It was my first time vending at this fair, and I’d have to say that it lives up to its reputation for being really busy and really amazing. The event itself is run really well, and we got free snacks and drinks, and even got to put in a sandwich order for lunch. Kind of amazing!! The fair was also in the parking lot of Union Market which housed a ton of great food, not to mention all the food trucks that were outside, too.


While I love my canopy set-up, it was actually quite relaxing to not have to haul out a bunch of PVC pipe and erect a structure before laying out all the goodies!! New items I brought to this show were new coffee cup cozy designs: crabs (are you crabby before your coffee?), the pugs (which are not a new design, but it’s the first time I brought them to a fair), and teddy bears. Interesting market research: DC loves their crabs and their pretzels and their corn dogs, and not so much their sweets, as far as my crochet stuff is concerned! Although my little frosting dollop clips did pretty well, too. I’ll be listing all these goodies as soon as I can photograph them all.

03Pretty much the main reason I would ever travel so for a craft show is to meet you guys, so really, so much thanks to everyone who came out and said hi!

Here’s me and Kimberly (I stole the photo from her Insta!). We’re always buying the same clothes! (P.S. I have officially decided that I don’t like how I look in halter tops, so I’m either sewing these straps down to each side, or selling this dress!)

04Here’s me and Holly! She has been a longtime customer of mine, and she came with her whole beautiful family. It was super nice to meet all of them!

05Now onto the stuff that I bought!

Here’s me and Joe from Pretty Snake! Can I stop being weird for one second?! I guess not.

06I also finally bought one of his photo-real sprinkle/frosting dresses! It is super delicious in person, and I’ll definitely make a separate outfit post for this one!


Here’s me and Alison from Dirty Ass Soaps. I bought some adorable, vegan cupcake soap from her a million years ago and we have been Twitter buds and met for the first time!


I could not get enough of staring at her booth. Sooooo much soapy wonder.


I came home with Twizzler soap and macaron soap! Also a Krispy Rice soap that I didn’t take a pic of because I have yet to unearth it from my suitcases!


Here’s Kelly and Joe, the team behind JellyKoe! I love their sense of weird and whimsy. I came home with a painting and 2 prints, but it took every ounce of my being not to come home with HazRat!!! His eyes glow in the dark and he has a hidden third eye at the back of his head, which you can see when you remove his helmet!


Joe paints and Kelly sews, and I really love how all their items complement each other so well into one universe.

Finally, I bought a Bob Ross necklace from Leroy’s Place! You’ve gotta check out her acrylic jewelry and illustrations, and also her collab project GroundscoreNYC ! I need a Cheese Ring!


I vended on Saturday and shopped on Sunday, and all the other days, we checked out museums and monuments and the zoo! Stay tuned for my Etsy shop update as well as a new video crochet tutorial and a crochet giveaway. I also have a few new patterns to get up in the shop! And also a closet/yarn de-stash! Phew! Lots to do!




7 Comments on “Crafty Bastards 2014 Re-Cap!”

  • Ms. Megan


    ooooh!! i love all the vendors + the amazing goods they sell!! that toxic waste rat is so cute!! and i love your booth filled with cuteness!!! and your outfits are so adorable!! ps completely random question but where did you get your blue display shelves for your booth?? i have a craft fair coming up and i kinda wanted something similar!! 🙂 xoxoxo

  • Gina


    Your booth is was so spectacularly colorful! Love the crab cup/mug cozies.
    And the soap is amazing. How does she make all those shapes so realistic???


  • Jen


    Thanks for signing my book! It was so nice to meet you. Can’t wait for those patterns!

  • Shawna


    I love the sprinkle/cupcake dress! That ramen soap is awesome! I can’t wait to check out these guys shops!

  • Fiona


    Sounds super fun – I love everything from pretty snake – that dress no exception! I can’t believe the soap ramen – so good, the twizzlers are amazing too but I’d be too scared Id eat them 😛

  • OMG! looks fantastic! I wish I could’ve come! One of these days – their will be a Renee and Twinkie picture lol

  • Kimmi


    I totally forgot you had that dress too, I bought it a billion years ago! haha! It was so great to finally meet you, and this was a nice little recap to a great craft show. I LOVED those soaps too!

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