WIWT: Polka Dot Peplums & Shorts

Shorts1Sorry this is another non-crochet-related post!! I’m still furiously plugging away at a lot of fun projects and collabs. One will be revealed next week! 😉

Today was pretty warm in my house, and I have to do laundry, so I started pulling out some clothes from the depths of my wardrobe.

This cute peplum top is really fun. I love a peplum on a shirt! And I love me some polka dots! BUT, it buttons in the back, so I have to dislocate my shoulder and grow a third arm to button my own shirt.

Shorts are definitely not something I wear a lot with just naked skin underneath. But I was the only one home, and I wasn’t trying to impress anybody, and my legs are unshaved, but whatever!!! I am really insecure about my bottom half (I am sure I have blogged about this before) because I feel like I have fat knees and big thighs and big calves and cankles and bow legs.  Everything is also just getting bigger and weirder on my body as I approach the big 4-0, but I try to remember that beauty doesn’t just look like one thing, and that I should wear shorts if it’s hot and I need to! Um, but we are going out later tonight, and I will be putting on some tights or pants and re-doing my hair. Sorry. That’s just how it goes. When I got dressed today, I thought I was going to be sitting on the floor and crocheting in hermit-town. And taking an outfit photo for posterity. Cuz, I buttoned this damn top. And I am rarely this un-accessorized, but I still felt like it was a pretty cute outfit (minus the old lady up-do.)

Shorts2I realize there is an element of narcissism with selfie-culture and with outfit photos, but I think the positive side of that is making an attempt to love your body and be okay with workin’ with what ya got and letting other people know it’s ok for them to wear shorts, too. I especially wanted to post the shorts because they look kind of flared out at the bottom on some people, but on us juicy-thighed mamas, they are still pretty snug all around! They are definitely stretchy, tho, so they are not torture chambers of denim.

Have a great weekend everybody!!! <3


Peplum top: Forever 21 (from a while ago), High-waisted shorts: ModCloth, Shoes: ModCloth (similar)

9 Comments on “WIWT: Polka Dot Peplums & Shorts”

  • Soo cute. I love the little frill at the bottom of the shirt.

  • Lisa


    You look cute! I like your up-do, and I wish my legs looked as nice in shorts as yours do! I basically only ever wear skirts because I’m so self-conscious of my thighs >____<

  • claire


    You look really pretty!
    It’s funny, we can be really self conscious about certain parts of our bodies and no one else even notices!
    And you don’t have cankles!

  • Caitlin


    Aww, all the stuff you’re worried about, I think is super cute! Your legs look totally fine (for any age!!) and I actually love the updo – I wish I could do stuff like that with my curly hair, but it always ends up looking awk. Thanks for posting stuff like this despite insecurities – we all have them!

  • Angela Nelson


    You look adorable, as always. Love peplums, love polka dots. You can wear anything! you are gorgeous!

  • Katzi


    I love this look! I know your struggle with shorts – I feel the same way. But you look great in shorts and this year, I have decided to embrace my legs by wearing shorts more often. You should, too, because you look fantastic in shorts! 🙂 <3 <3

  • Becky


    I love this post so much.

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