Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies v1.0

CC5On Sunday, I thought it would be funny if Manda came over to watch the Superbowl. I am not a sports fan, and I have no idea what is going on in football, but it seemed like a fun excuse for us to get together and eat a bunch of junk food.

A few days ago, I had been craving chocolate chip oatmeal cookies from Trader Joe’s. They are bite-sized, and they are crunchy and delightful. I figured I could just try making them at home, so that’s what happened on Superbowl Sunday.

I used this recipe from Brown Eyed Baker.

CC1CC2CC4Okay, here’s a classic Me Move. The recipe instructs you to make dough balls out of 2 heaping tablespoons, so for my first batch, I plopped on 2 TBS of dough, but didn’t roll it into a ball or anything. For my second batch, I wanted smaller cookies, so  I just scooped out what I’ll call a small “bloop” of dough (as pictured above), and then rolled it around in my hands.

I was kind of surprised when the baking time seemed to be kind of longer for the small balls than the big plops. About 8 minutes in, I realized, THAT MY OVEN WAS OFF. Because for my first batch, I had apparently turned off the oven when I meant to turn off the timer. GOOD ONE. So don’t even ask me about baking times, cuz I just winged it at that point.

CC6Overall, I think this particular recipe was a bit on the sweet side for me. I don’t know anything about baking, and I’m not sure what would happen to the whole recipe if I took out like 1/4 cup of sugar in there somewhere, but that would be my amateur inclination. Also, they were not light and crunchy like the Trader Joe’s ones, but I knew that going in, since the recipe called these thick and chewy.

Otherwise, I had a fun time with these cookies, because I felt like there weren’t a lot of steps or ingredients to wrangle. I still need to remember to always make a half recipe, though, because I’m the only one in the house who really eats what I bake, and now I have like 80 million cookies to deal with!

5 Comments on “Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies v1.0”

  • Grace


    Hmmmmmm, sounds kind of like a first-world problem to have 80 million cookies…:)

  • Emi Gurumi


    I’ll eat them! xD

  • jes


    Taking out some sugar would probably make it spread less ever so slightly… I also like using all brown sugar instead, since I like that flavor better.

    I cut the sugar in most recipes I find b/c I always find them too sweet. I always modify how I shape the cookies after I’ve baked one tray to see how they spread.

    P.S. you’re an inspiration

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you for the tips, and for the sweet words! 🙂

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