Prepping for Renegade Craft Fair, San Francisco

I am freaking out, guys!

If you are in the Bay Area, please remember to visit Renegade Craft Fair July 21-22, 11am -7pm at Fort Mason in San Francisco. We’ll see if I manage to finish everything I hope to finish! EEEEP!

In the meantime, here’s a crappy phone pic of the postcards I made for the show. They just arrived today!

I was kinda trying to evoke actual postcards that are like, “Greetings from Palm Beach!” I know I need to take more updated photos one day. After Hairy set up his man-cave, my lights and backdrop moved to the garage, and I never really got into the habit of shooting in there. It’s cold!  Anyway, I need to work on that!

Here’s the back:

If I run out of these discount cards at the show, I’ll start putting them inside the packages I ship out.

These are part of the grand scheme I hope to pull off for my craft show booth. Cross your fingers! Hold onto your butts! I can’t wait to show you, if it works!

5 Comments on “Prepping for Renegade Craft Fair, San Francisco”

  • Those rock – such a great idea! Good luck with the show preparation! Every time I go to the big craft fairs, so many booths looks so pristine and beautifully set up, like they’ve been preparing for 43267 years. But I secretly wonder how much last minute scrambling went into everything!

    • TwinkieChan


      I am sure it’s combination of both! But I also have a feeling most ppl will use a certain booth set up for a while. I tend to want a new booth set up like every 2 or 3 shows, so that’s where I kind of create more work for myself heheh

      • Very true – the mad scramble is probably mostly for new vendors or those who want a change in set up. Then again the scramble could just be making enough inventory to fill up a booth!

        I’m sure you’re right about most people reusing a set up due to the time and cost, and of course I don’t fault anyone who takes that route. But I do really appreciate when repeat vendors have a new set up (and new products!). Always makes it more fun!

        P.S. I hope you consider coming back to the Seattle Urban Craft Uprising! I think I read somewhere that you had a booth at one of the shows? Of course I didn’t know about it then (go figure). Anyway, just my little plea for you to apply for the winter show! =D

  • Caz


    oooo I love the postcard feel! I cant wait to see what you do now 😀

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