I am sooooooo excited to tell you guys that I have many items for sale now at Kat Von D’s Wonderland Gallery in L.A., right next to her tattoo shop High Voltage. You can grab yourself some scarves, mitts, hats, brooches, hair clips, tons of stuff! Shop online or visit in person if you are in SoCal! You’ll even find the elusive Sushi Scarf there! There’s more in the shop than there is on the site.
The story behind this is that I know Marya, the gallery director at Wonderland, from when she was the Photo Director at Inked Magazine and put me in the “Inked People” section a few years ago. She has always been super sweet and super supportive of my work, and she also came to my book reading in L.A. where we met for the first time! I asked if she could take some fun snaps of my goodies in the shop.
AAAAAAAAND in other fun news, RELATED news, oddly, you can now view my pin-up makeover with DeliciousDames!. So Annie, part of my former sales team for Yummy You! Clothing, asked me last year if I was interested in participating in some pin-up makeovers that her friend Revecka was doing for her website. I am always game for trying new things (even though being on video terrifies me as I hate watching myself and think I look like an alien!), so I said yes! As it turned out, Revecka’s husband Khoi was doing the filming that day, and he is also a tattoo artist at High Voltage. So Revecka and Marya actually know each other. Small world!

I showed up to the makeover without doing my makeup or hair. Note: I am One of Those Girls who does not leave the house without eyeliner and eyebrows. No way no how. But usually when you show up to a photoshoot, you should do so with a clean face. I then learned we would be filming interviews “before” the makeover. Cue my panic!! I viewed this panic as part of the experience. A huge part of the Delicious Dames philosophy is embracing your own beauty and accepting all forms of beauty. This is a hard journey for many of us! But it was a really fun day after all. The Delicious Dames team is awesome, Revecka, stylist/art director/hostess, Jennifer Corona, MUAH, Shannon Brooke, photographer. They are all good friends, and you can really tell that they love each other and love what they do.
p.s. For those wondering, yes, we had to stuff tissue paper into the 2nd outfit 😛