Sprinkles, Strawberries, & Contact Info.

I played with a new business card design the other day, and the cards just came in this afternoon.

I’m not crazy about them, since I think that both sides look like the back of a card. I don’t know. I can’t explain it. I think the “front” with the business name is too busy, plus the giant contact info is kinda weird. Taking the sprinkles out of the equation made the front look a lot cleaner, but I loves my sprinkles!

I am planning to re-vamp the website/blog sooner rather than later, so I’ll have to change up the cards accordingly at that point anyway.

It was at least fun to play with something different! When I first designed my business cards/logo, I of course really wanted to use PINK, but then for some reason, at that point, I felt like it would be too obvious for me to have a pink and girly logo, so that’s why I chose BLUE for my main background color. So it was fun to let out the pinks and cakes and strawberries and rainbows for a little bit!

Now I’m going to be gearing up for Thanksgiving and the holidays. Turkey hats, turkey tissue cozies, and maybe turkey mittens coming soon! Anything else you’d like to see turkey-style?

P.s. a couple people asked about my shoes in my last entry. Those are my everyday shoes. I just ordered 2 more pairs! They are by Demonia and they are called “SPRITE.” I buy them on Amazon! Just search on Amazon for “demonia sprite” and they should pop up :).

15 Comments on “Sprinkles, Strawberries, & Contact Info.”

  • Barny


    i LOVE your business cards. i know what u mean by abit busy but i like the giant contact info ๐Ÿ™‚ would be proud to pin one on my wall! woot.

  • thecrampedhand


    Would love to see something like sweet potatoes with mini marshmallows
    or a weird jello salad. I keep picturing a muff of sweet potatoes with mini marshmallows.
    Loved your Halloween stuff so cute.

  • Nothing wrong with busy! It matches your whole aesthetic, as well as your website … and that’s the whole point, isn’t it? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I LOVE the cards! I will say that the background on your old ones made the 4 ‘yous’ pop more than the sprinkles background but THEY ROCK! OX

  • Coco


    Hi Twinkie, I’m and I’m 13. Your so talented! Twinkie don’t EVER change the “Twinkie Chan.” logo with the rainbow colors! That’s my favorite. Twinkie everything about u is, busy busy busy that’s what I admire about you most! Most people shy away from busy, but you can pull it off because your so cute and creative! Don’t ever change. Personally I love the contact side of your business card and the font! Good Luck!

    • Coco


      Haha I’m and I’m.

      • Coco, you’re adorable. Thank you for the feedback!! xo

  • kimmi


    I ended up buying those same shoes from shoebuy.com for my halloween costume and have been wearing them everyday since. Old people LOVE THEM.

  • Anika


    I think they’re absolutely adorable. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • chinamommy


    i like the cards too!! ONLY after you pointed out that they looked like the back on both sides did i think that… i love the side with the photo’s of you!!! they’re adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Vanessa


    So, I’ve been thinking about Thanksgiving, and some cranberry sauce with whole cranberries mitts would be cool. Also, like a turkey mitt that has the head at the top with a yarn “ring” to the middle finger to keep it up. I did that with the cupcake mitts cherry and it looks pretty solid. Also, LOVE!!!

  • hi Twinkie, i like the cards, if you haven’t checked out Moo.com, check them out, they make mini cards too, they are awesome.
    Take care! xoxo

    • Thanks, Ana! I have ordered from Moo before. Their quality is topnotch!!! But I feel like I have fewer options for things like rounded corners there.

  • Elizabeth McDougall


    I would like to order a cupcake hat
    vanilla with cream cheese frosting for my
    daughter who is a art student on Ohio.
    She loves your stuff.
    Please let me know how I would go about it
    Thank you

    • Hi!
      Please email me at twinkie@twinkiechan.com. Custom orders take 2-3 weeks to ship after payment. In your email, please let me know again what colors you prefer. Is that like a yellow cake with a cream-colored frosting? THanks!

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