My future singing career.

You may know today as Cinco de Mayo, but today is also a very special lady’s birthday.

I tried to call her at work, but nobody picked up!

14 Comments on “My future singing career.”

  • Danielle


    Please please please let me carry you like a baby and/or put you in my pocket! yes?

    • Oddly, you are not the first person to say this! 😛

  • chinamommy


    hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! LOvE ThIS!!! SLOW MO!!!

  • Momoko


    XD uaaaaaaaahahahahhahahahahahah I love you! XD

    • :p 😛 😛 I don’t even know if the bday girl has seen it yet!

  • Jonesy


    I like the inward singing you did towards the end.

    • Everything’s funnier in slow motion!

  • Lady J


    Clap clap clap! Dig your skills girl! Btw how much did you spend on that bday hat? I love it! I think I want a bunch of them to wear while I’m just chilling in my living room watching TV. Seriously, where did you get it?

    • I’m Your Present was selling them on Etsy for a little bit, and I went crazy and bought 3 of them :). I can’t remember how much they were, but it wouldn’t be hard to decorate your own party hats!

  • Elysse


    Is that New Kids on the Block!?!?

    Also, cuuuuuuuuuute red lipstick on you!!

    • YES, NKOTB!! I didn’t know this song existed. I just searched “Happy Birthday” on iTunes and struck gold.

      I am intrigued by darker lipsticks, but feel like it just draws attention to my funky teefs!!

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