Wanna see a video blooper reel?

So a few months ago, I was asked to create a “get to know the artist” vlog for a certain site I shall not name. They never ended up posting it, and I felt like the whole situation was really weird and involved Yummy You product as well. Oh well. Sometimes you try and nothing comes of it. I keep trying anyway!

BuuuuuuUUuuuuut…it did result in this blooper reel! I kept trying to do my whole 90 second spiel in ONE seamless and awesome take, which led to a lot of frustration!!! The final cut I submitted was not all one take, and it was not this same background or hair or day.


10 Comments on “Wanna see a video blooper reel?”

  • Rachele


    Best part = petting the stuffed kitty LMAO!

  • RachelG


    You make the cutest frustrated sounds!!

  • Erin


    That was great. So great!

  • Rianne


    oo! how long must you waste to make a good video?!

    Greetz from hollandia

  • miki


    Hahaha, you’re so cute and funny! I love that orange cat, by the way!


  • Janna Lynn


    I’ve got tears running down my cheeks from laughin so hard…love the sound you put over the curses..ha ha ha! When you pet that cat, I lost it! Your too cute and funny…you totes made my day 🙂 I had a similar experience when I was doing a narrated powerpoint for one of my Master’s classes last semester…I did this stoopid freaky, stick up my bum bum voice…but didn’t realize I was doing it! I sounded horrible, I retaped it like 10 times until I sounded like me finally! 🙂 Hearts, Janna Lynn

  • Amina


    lol, this is how I feel like whenever I talk in front of a lot of people! Totally with all the sound effects too. . . .they’re just in my head most of the time 😛

  • Maggi


    Best Video Ever. Loved the bad word fog horn! 😀

  • haha!! and here i thought you did blogs with endless ease, even though you have meantioned in the past that your a little ackward in person. Ha, i feel a look more normal now. yay!! we’re all human.

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