I Want To Be … A Crochet Queen! (Interview with Gala Darling)

I need to upload photos from my epic (Ok, I need to start using an alternative to the word “epic” … how about “bitchin”?) L.A. week/weekend, but in the meantime, please check out my contribution to Gala Darling’s “I want to be …” series about people with interesting/unique occupations! This is probably one of the most detailed articles you’ll ever read about my adventures in turning a hobby into a career.

Click on the pic of me biting a blinged out crochet hook to see the article!

p.s. I am signing books tomorrow/this Tuesday at Books, Inc. in Berkeley at 7pm. Come say hi, East Bay! Free gift baggies while they last! πŸ™‚

22 Comments on “I Want To Be … A Crochet Queen! (Interview with Gala Darling)”

  • poohknit


    WOW!!! Great interview!!! I enjoyed getting to know you a bit better. You have a great outlook on life. I’m sortof a fulltime knitter/more crocheter myself and I LOVE it. Ido alot of charity stuff and for my grandkids and friends. I also test patterns for 2 designers which is nice and helps out with a wee bit of cash. I’ve even done models for one of the designers books, which is totally cool!!! Knitting/crocheting is who I am and what I do.

      • poohknit


        Really????? I do love your stuff!!!!!
        Are you serious?

          • poohknit


            I live in Waukesha, Wisconsin. It’s just ourside of Milwaukee.

  • Kt


    Every little thing you had to say was so inspiring and informative, and very helpful to me! I don’t crochet, but I’m trying to find and carve my own path in my art career. I look up to you and commend you for all of the hard work and success you share with everyone! Thank you so much. <3

    • Thanks, Kt! It is a really hard path, and you sometimes have to make hard choices. I wish you all the best of luck!

  • Tams


    Lady, this is so good! I am so glad actually that you admitted things were not always so fantastic (financially, at least) because sometimes it is good to have a reality check. But I am also super the most happy that things are going so well for you!

    • OH yeah I never deny that I was not doing well financially for a while, I just never wanted to tell my parents exactly what my credit card debt was… πŸ˜›

  • Amie


    I bought your book!!! Aaaaaaaah!!!! So freaking excited!!! I just wish the post man get a move on! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    • Thank you so much!! Hurry, postman!!!

  • Maggi


    Wow, what a great interview! Thank you for being so honest and open, what an inspiration!

    I’ve been a fan of yours for a while now but I have to tell you that once I read through your book, I really felt like I had found a kindred (crafty) spirit! I love your realistic and blunt (for lack of a better word) approach to crocheting.

    Like in your book when you provide affordable yarn selections and admit your wariness of hats. Your book is the first that I’ve immediately started a project, actually finished it (lol) and then immediately started another one. It’s the first crochet book I’ve had where the diagrams are actually helpful and easy to understand. lol

    I prefer off beat and quirky crochet myself (we need more books and ideas like yours in this industry!) so your book was a God send and I can only hope you write more in the future!

    Now, just one more question because I’m obsessed with everything sparkly: where did you get the bling-y hook?!?!

    Thank you for being you and sharing your talents with us! πŸ˜€

    • Maggi! Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment. I’ve always just had a “I’m wingin’ it!” attitude toward my crochet, and I never wanted to pretend that I knew exactly what I was doing in my book πŸ˜› πŸ˜› :P. Lord knows I probably do things the wrong way or a weird way since I am by and large self taught.

      I blinged out my own hooks! πŸ™‚ Gold spray paint, glue, and lots and lots of rhinestones πŸ™‚

      • Maggi


        I’m self taught for the most part too, maybe that’s why your book is so easy for me to understand. LOL

        Thanks for the bling tip, I just might have to do that to my some of mine. Glitter FTW!

  • so excited that you did this interview! i love gala’s site, and it was definitely interesting hearing your take on the ‘business’ side of twinkie chan! very inspiring, indeed! πŸ™‚

    • I like to pretend the business side doesn’t exist because I’m so bad at it πŸ˜›


    • I need a venue to host my event and to pay for my flight!! πŸ˜›

  • Sarah


    Love that interview Twinkie! You express yourself so succinctly with words, as well as your craft. It was interesting to read how you felt like a “fraud” in the publishing industry at times. I’ve felt that way before in my previous job as part of the marketing/corporate scene. I left earlier this year, in favour of taking a more creative path. It’s hard to carve your own little niche in the beginning, and I have no formal training, but slowly, slowly. It’s a discovery process. I’m not exactly stuck in the most “creative” city, in fact, our biggest industry here is mining. Oh well, your interview certainly inspired me!

    • It can be really hard in the beginning. It’s still hard πŸ™‚

    • Thank you!!!!!! It’s better than nothing! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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