Book Tour: onto L.A.! = my new mini books!

Tomorrow morning, Hairy and I are driving to L.A. to make it in time for my reading at the Urban Craft Center in Santa Monica at 7:00pm!
Then I’ll be at Stories on Sunset Blvd at 8:00 on Friday! Neither of these signings will include crocheting a project together, so if you are a non-crocheter: don’t be shy! We’ll just be chattin’ and watchin’ videos and lookin’ at peektures!

So you might have heard me talk about the gift baggies I’m giving away at my signings. I’m not sure if I’ll run out : / but I’ll still at least have some free stickers and buttons for those interested!

I’ve been trying to include mini books in all my packages. I always wanted to print a little mini book filled with tiny patterns, and I managed to write it and draw it this week, and I started putting it together late last night!!! I’m gonna try to make a few more before I go to bed, too. They were fun!

I FINALLY used this little paper cutter I bought like a year ago!

The mini book is called “Sugar On Top: 5 cute ways to crochet frosting and whipped cream.” If people are interested, I will also put them up on Etsy when I get home. I think they are pretty darn cute!

The finished gift baggie! It included a pretty ball of handspun yarn that I shopped around for on Etsy, my mini book, a sticker, a little thank you card for people to use, a 2 inch with a new design I drew on it, and also a little candy ring or candy brooch.

I hope people had fun tonight in SF. Can’t wait to see you all in L.A.!

47 Comments on “Book Tour: onto L.A.! = my new mini books!”

  • Jacci


    Yes, put the teeny book on etsy!
    I’d buy one for sure.

    • Now I have to try to decide if I prefer selling the actual book, or just a PDF! I love the little book. I think it’s special. But a lot of ppl are starting to ask for it in electronic form instead.

  • Sheralynn


    :D! Can you sell some of your patterns on Ravelry???

    Wish I could get one of those little baggies, but the US is too far away right now. 🙁

    • Well I definitely can’t sell any of the patterns in the book on ravelry :). I am kind of hesitant to put up newer designs anywhere for sale. I’ve seen incidents of copycat scarves for sale on Etsy, and I think that putting the patterns out there just encourages it. I’d rather save them up for a book after the I’ve used the patterns myself for a while. Sorry for a long answer! Re: the baggies, I might also put some together for Etsy!

      • Sheralynn


        I didn’t mean the patterns for the scarves you already sell, of course!! Maybe some Twinkie style things, but not actual stuff that you already sell, if you know what I mean? Hard to explain well. But I mean, if you already have the mini patterns up in mini books, I don’t see the harm in selling those patterns anyway! Considering you are thinking of putting together some of those mini packs on Etsy… It might just be an option to other people don’t don’t want/need the extras.

        • I see what you are saying. Kind of like with the flower headbands I wrote a tutorial for on Stuff that I like but maybe not stuff I usually sell.

  • OHHHH!!! Just too cute! I’d love to come to your book tour. But Alas, it is too far! Good luck!

  • Boopetta


    How cool!!! Will it be a PDF download? Have to buy, too cute!!! <3

    @sheralynn Are you joking???

    • I loved putting the books together so much that I’d prefer to mail out the actual pages like a little gift! But I will think about the PDF.

      • Boopetta


        Printed copies are def more fun to receive
        [and easier for me as I can never get printing doublesided right ;D]
        Can’t wait for it to be up on etsy!!!

  • Maggi


    The mini book looks so fun! Any chance at all you might come to the East Coast for signings? *cough*Charlotte, NC*cough* Have fun in LA!

    • I need to do a poll to see what cities might have the best turn out!

      • Maggi


        That would be awesome!!! 😀

  • The cramped hand


    Oh how I wish one of those little books could come to my house… Sigh
    Just can’t imagine you coming to Wisconsin,
    but a girl can dream.
    Have a fab time.

  • Alea


    I’d totally buy the mini book or even the whole gift bag if you put them on etsy. I’m loving your book and already made the carrot scarf! And a piece of toast!

    • I was thinking of tossing the whole gift bag up there, too! Well, maybe not the balls of yarn, since that was really expensive for me, but just the mini book, a 2 inch button, a sticker, and a thank you card 🙂

      • Alea


        That would be so awesome!!!

  • Kim


    I love the little book and have had a hard time making icing and fluff for tissue box cakes so I’d def. Buy the book or baggie!!!

    • When my signing in SF is over on Sunday I will definitely make more goodie bags for Etsy! I have two signings this week so I gotta keep pumping the bags out for those!

  • chinamommy


    How fun!! As soon as you get to Wisconsin, make sure you come on over to MI! 🙂 Wish you were closer- have a great time!!!!!!!

  • Marisol


    I wanna go so bad tonight and friday!!!

  • Lulu


    Got your book yesterday and I was ecstatic! Can’t wait to have a giant carrot around my neck!

    The booklets are so cute! I wouldn’t mind a pdf, since I keep a huge collection of patterns in my files.

    Also, I haven’t seen any of your book patterns on Ravelry. I don’t mean selling them, like someone mentioned earlier, but just adding your book to the databade. I like to keep track of my projects and see other people’s versions as well. Will they be added to the Ravelry database?

    • Hmmm I have no idea about the Ravelry database ! I never really have time to play on Ravelry so I really have no idea what it’s about altho I do have a very neglected account!

      • Lulu


        The Ravelry database is like a search engine, but for crochet and knitting patterns. Let’s say people are looking for a pattern to crochet, and they have a friend who loves carrots. They type “carrot scarf” and they find your pattern in the results!

        You can list your book, and all the patterns in it, so people can see sample pictures, what type of yarn it will need, hook size, etc. It also let’s people I guess “review” the pattern and post pictures of their finished product, as well as how their process is going along. I get a lot of help from people who say what type of yarn to substitue, or maybe get inspired if they make a little change in the patter. (Like, they may use the cupcake pattern to make an applique to Twinkie-cutify a sweater!)

        It’s also a great way of letting people know about the patterns and your book, if they’re not familiar with Twinkie Chan already! It’s well worth looking into, especially now that you have this fab book out.

        • Someone at one of my readings also mentioned starting a group.

  • Caz


    Above is one big reason i wish i didn’t live in the UK 🙁 boooooo!

    Enjoy your book tour 🙂

    • Where in the UK are you? I might visit London in the spring. Would be cool to set up a signing there if I go!

      • Caz


        I live in Liverpool (up North a bit, well North West Technically :-P) but i’d SOOOO come see you if you did something in London, its only a couple of hours on the train *crosses fingers* 🙂

  • BABY D


    just read your article in East Bay Express!

    • Very cool! Hey, is that a hard copy thing, or is it only online? I’d love if someone could scan me the hardcopy for my files!

      • BABY D


        the East Bay Express is a weekly newspaper for the eastbay (Oakland,Berkeley)I might be able to grab a copy and scan it for you! I read it every week at school and it was totally awesome to see you in there!

  • Amie


    Please put these tiny books on etsy!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! I would deffo buy one of these!! Or five… :3 <3

    • I will I will I will! 🙂 I just need to get through two signings this week and then I’ll put more up on Etsy 🙂

  • Brianna


    I went to this and it was so much fun! I hope you like the drawing I made you.

    • Brianna ! You are adorable! Thanks so much to you both for coming!!! I love the drawing! I am going to frame it when I get home!! 🙂

  • gabriela


    Hello Twinkie, it was a pleasure to meet you and Harry….I love my sushi scarf and the book too. @ the bookstore I forgot to take one of your little books is there a way I can get one?

    • Hi Gabriela! So nice to meet you! Thank you for coming and for your patience! 😛

      email me your mailing address! twinkie at twinkiechan dot com 🙂

  • I agree, mini books/baggies would be great on Etsy, they came out look great! Reminds me a little of the mini books American Girl magazine used to have way back in the day, that you could cut out and put together…

    Also, those ice cream scoops need to be on Etsy too! I want to wear icecream on my head 😛

    • I am making ice cream scoops as we speak/type! 🙂

  • bernadette smith


    Can i still get this stuff ? i want it all !

    • Hi! I don’t sell the gift packs, but I sell some of the items separately in my etsy shop, like the Thank You cards and the yarn cupcake button. the Sugar On Top mini booklet is also available but in PDF format for download :).

      • bernadette smith


        Thanks so much. ive been reading all ur blogs from start to finish. lol im so behind. and i want all ur old stuff . like the pickle jar pillows and gift bags. ur the first and only blogger ive ever followed. i love ur book. i cant stop making things. p.s. i just bought a ring that looks like a pop tart its so cute. ud prob like it. (:

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