Tentative Book Tour dates!!

Hey hey!

We are working on updating TwinkieChanBooks.com with more infos, but I wanted to post a tentative list for my West Coast book tour right away since people are starting to ask, and I want you put dates on your calendars! 🙂 🙂

My first/launch date will be here in San Francisco at Booksmith in the Haight. We plan to have raffle prizes, a Yummy You pop-up shop for one night only, and if I can get my shizz together… little gift baggies for the first X people to arrive! (X = the number I can actually pump out! 😛 )

For most of the events, I will be talking about how the whole Twinkie Chan universe came to be and the philosophy behind my pattern making. At certain venues, we will also be working on a small crochet project together while I talk. At the two craft fairs I will be at,  I will not be giving a talk but just chit-chattin’ with you and signing your books!

11/9/10 – Booksmith, San Francisco, 7:30pm (http://www.booksmith.com/)

11/10/10 – Urban Craft Center, Los Angeles/Santa Monica, 7:00pm (Etsy night!) (http://www.theurbancraftcenter.com)

11/12/10 – Stories, Los Angeles , 7:30pm (?) http://www.storiesla.com/

11/16/10 – Books, Inc., Berkeley, 7:00pm (http://www.booksinc.net/Berkeley)

11/21/10 – ImagiKnit, San Francisco, 4:00pm This is my favorite yarn shop in SF! Come see the place that makes my yarny senses tingle every time I go in! We will probably work on a project together while I talk. (http://imagiknit.com/)

12/3/10 – Third Place Books (Lake Forest Park), Seattle, 6:30pm We might work on a project during this event as well. (http://www.thirdplacebooks.com/node)

12/4/10 & 12/5/10 – Urban Craft Uprising winter show, Seattle – signing books Saturday 12:00pm-1:00pm, Sunday 2:00pm-3:00pm (http://www.urbancraftuprising.com/)

12/5/10 – Fiber Gallery, Seattle,  4:00pm-6:00pm (http://www.fibergallery.com/)

12/10/10 – Twisted, Portland, time TBD 5 or 5:30pm (http://twistedpdx.com)

12/11/10 & 12/12/10 – Crafty Wonderland, Portland – signing books Saturday 1:00pm-3:00pm, Sunday 11:00am-1:00pm (http://www.craftywonderland.com/)

12/12/10 – Powell’s, Portland, 3:00pm (http://www.powells.com/)

I try to vend at Renegade, SF, too, which is December 18-19 but I haven’t decided yet cuz it might be too crazy to cram in!

29 Comments on “Tentative Book Tour dates!!”

  • eeep!! you’ll be at crafty wonderland?? that is SO exciting!! i’ve been doing that show for the past couple years!! i can’t wait!! 😀

    • YAy!! I am glad I will have a lot of time to check out the booths!!!

  • San Smith


    So exciting!! If I was in the area I’d totally come by 🙂 Hope you have a lot of fun and meet awesome people!

    • Thank you, San!!! I am so afraid that only like 2 people will show up to these 😛

  • chinamommy


    SO excited and happy for you!!!!!

  • Brittany


    I wish you were coming to NJ or NYC!! Either way I can’t wait for the book!!

    • I am gonna try to hit up a craft fair in NY in 2011 I think!

  • Tams


    ahhhh come to Canada! Vancouver is only a little bit more up from Seattle! 😀

      • Tams


        But I don’t have a car! Or a passport! Otherwise I totally would. 🙁

  • Tatiana


    Yay! Congrats, Twinkie. I’ll totally be at the Booksmith event. Booksmith is amazing. I can’t wait to check out your book!

    • Yay!!!! I’ll try to make it really fun!! 🙂

  • yay! i will come visit you at crafty wonderland! and maybe powells too! Im super happy you are coming to portland! 🙂

    maybe this is a dumb question, but are you going to be selling things at crafty wonderland or just a book signing?

    • Yay!!! 🙂

      Not a dumb question!! It was a decision I had to make, actually, and I decided to not stress myself out so much, so I will only be signing for a little bit on both days and not selling items in a booth 🙂

  • Jill


    WOOHOO! Wish I lived on the left coast again so I could come and cheer you on — and not that a publisher would PAY for a tour (gasp!), but are there thoughts of swinging through my side of the continent at all? 🙂

    • I am going to look into vending at more craft fairs in 2011 pending crazy schedule, but at least I have a book to pimp now, so less pressure to fill the table with handmade goods!!

      Actually my publisher is pretty cool and is covering some of the West Coast travel, but yeah…..fo sho not any East coast travel! 😛

  • Cool! Wish you were doing a talk out here in New York. 🙂 Maybe in the future~

  • Poppy


    awesome! I’m going to add that link to your pics too:)

  • debbstar


    OMG!!! i am uber elated and over the moon knowing you’re comin on over to seattle! i’ve been hoping you’d come out with some booky goodness for the masses the last 7 years! yay! so i know ur not planning on selling your other crafty-wares at the signings, but not even bookmarks?! or book cozies?! lol…it’s all good..can’t wait to see you at the fiber gallery!


    • I don’t know that I will have time to hand-make items to sell at events….but we might be bringing a Yummy You popup shop 🙂

  • Giulia


    Helloooo i’m italy girl.can’t your book in Italy? it’s fantastic. I’m your fan!!!! kiss!

  • Beeka


    Come slightly east to Arizona! xD I’ll see what I can do to go to one of the Cali shows :3 <3 Best of luck!!

  • Crutchy


    come to columbus!!! pweeeeeeeeeeeese!!!

    • I’ll come if someone wants to send me a ticket! 😉

  • Charli


    Twinkie Chan I wish you were coming down to lovely San Diego 🙂

    • Charli


      Oh yay, I want some ice cream scoops for my head, a double scoop of chocolate mint and strawberry. I wish they were for sale somewhere.

      • You should’ve come up for one of my LA signings! 🙂

        I am working on ice cream scoops to list on Etsy.

        • Charli


          I would love to, but with two little boys and work I have like no free time. I tried to get to Japan La and the Sanrio 50th, saw pics of U. Maybe this Sunday I will make it 🙂 Facebook when you put stuff on etsy 🙂

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