Ever wonder what it would be like to hang out with me in Las Vegas at the Yummy You! Pooltradeshow booth? Check out the video!
My BFF Manda accompanied me to Las Vegas in August to help me promote Yummy You! at the Pool Tradeshow. It was A LOT OF WORK, but a lot of fun.
Here’s me and Manda in the booth!
Becky, Manda, and me in the booth! Becky helped out as a booth babe, as well!
Here’s me and Manda hard at work, fillin’ orders!
Here’s me, Audrey, Ali, and Jamie up in my booth!
Later on, we all visited Audrey and Ali in their suite, in which they were showcasing all their clothing lines. I had me a vegan cupcake!
Manda and I went out on our last night in Vegas. Her big brother happened to be in town, so we hung out with him and his buddies. Ladieez kept coming up and talking to me. I’m a ladykiller!
Okay, I’m just kidding. I think they just thought I was a novelty.
Anyway, I thought there were more funny photos, but…I can’t locate them, and it was already super difficult for me to get hold of Manda’s photoz for various technological reasons :P.