What time of day are you most inspired?

I always feel like daylight hours are for e-mailing, errand-running, and phone-calling. Night time is when you make magic.

So I am still up at 4am even though I have to wake up at 7am to meet the floor guys who’ll be sanding the floors at the new house.

Not the smartest move, but when you gotta paint. You gotta paint!

I’ll show you the finished project when it’s done! It’s nothing fancy. I’m not a painter nor much of a graphic artist, but I had this idea in my head, didn’t have enough time to print custom fabric, and just decided to go at it with fabric paint, a black Sharpie, and a prayer!

9 Comments on “What time of day are you most inspired?”

  • Jaccj


    I’m the same. Most creative when the house is quiet and everyone is sleeping.

  • Cate


    I’m the same, I’ll try to sleep then I’ll get a bout of inspiration and won’t sleep till the sun comea up, something about the nighttime seems to feed my creativity.

  • Betsey J


    I feel the absolute same way! But then the next thing I know I’m falling asleep at 4am covered in glue and scraps. haha.

    Maybe one day I’ll figure out how to become a productive daytime creator.

  • Ygraine


    I’m a nightowl through and through. I’ve given up trying to be productive in the day.

    Love your stuff too 🙂 xoxo

  • chinamommy


    I def. feel the magic happens after dark, which may account for the fact that not much magic has been happening in my studio. I have a 7 yr old (you know, your mini-twin) and I just can’t do 4 am and back up at 7 anymore… Rainy days work almost like night for me.

  • chinamommy


    do you have a wii? do you know of just dance? i blogged about it today & think it may be right up your ally… i am NO dancer, but oh SO fun!!

  • dude, daytime hours vs. nighttime hours … quote of the year! (and story of my life.)

  • Jodie


    Totally the same as you!
    The day time hours are for emailing, etsy convos, any errands etc, and night time is for crafting.
    usually head to bed around 4am’ish, more inspired at night though.
    plus my partner works like 3-11pm each day so when she gets home, we hang out for ages, and create together 🙂

  • I’m actually a morning crafter, but I also get that pang really late at night too. I guess it’s because those are the times I’m most awake. I get very sleepy in the afternoon. XD

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