Nuts, Berries, and Wine

On Monday, Hairy and I went with my pal Margaret, her hubby, and her dad, to Napa Valley. Her hubby is from Houston and had never been to wine country before, so Margaret asked if we would like to accompany them and have dinner.

I won’t bore you with details, but we were starving, missed our tour of Rutherford Hill, and ended up eating nuts and berries from the Mondavi gift shop to stay alive.

But the weather was perfect, the company was delightful. All in all a nearly perfect day outside. We ended up on a tour at Mondavi and tasted some vino. I do not like wine. I think it tastes like bowling ball cleaner and dirt and twigs. But I tasted a white, a rose’, and a red to play along. I enjoy the adjectives used to describe red wines like “insistent” and “muscular.” Sounds like a dude from Jersey Shore! “This cab sauv carries notes of dark cherry, thyme,  and The Situation.”

We had dinner at Bottega, which Hairy was curious about since we see Michael Chiarello on Top Chef Masters a lot. However, it seemed from the menu that he is not even the chef there anymore? Regardless, the menu looked tasty. The best part was dessert: lemon curd with zeppoli (little Italian donuts)!

Before dinner, we walked around this shop called Napa Style and I fell in love with vintage metal stepping stools and clear sea glass blue jars for drinking cups. If we ever make it out to the Alameda Antique Fair ( the next one is during Renegade! poo!!!!), I will def be on the look out for fun treats for our house.

(oh, p.s. in the first picture, I was testing out a pose I stole from my Aunt Vivi. I saw an old photo of her from her early twenties, and she had the most awesome cheezy poses! I worship her skillz! I need to find more old photos so I can learn from the master.)

15 Comments on “Nuts, Berries, and Wine”

  • Amy


    Oh my god. I hella wanna try that pose too. POSE WARS!!

    • AHAHA awesome!!! I need to do way more research!!!

  • mel


    Hairy looks focused. or very hungry.

    • He always looks really serious in photos unless I remember to poke him or something!

  • San Smith


    I love that you nabbed the pose from your Aunt’s old photos – too funny !

    • Hehhe 😛 I hope I can find more poses!!!

  • yay, my dress..weee.. I’m so glad that it’s getting good use. I never see the pink one though. Did it fit weird?

    • Unfortunately the pink one does fit a little weird! A bit too big in the chest (it puffs out in the armpit) and a bit small in the hip!

      • my runway peices are always a little harder to sell correctly due to being custom fitted already. I’ll make you another one and send it off ASAP. You would look so cute in it, the world has to see.

        • and is the yellow ice cream one huge on you? I was a little afraid that you being a small, that that design may swim on you, but i just had to send and find out.

        • Aw Brandy you are so sweet. You do not have to do that! But if you do of course that would be unbelievable! 😉

          RE: the ice cream cone, I still need to take some pics for you! I’ve been so crazy with a bunch of events coming up! I was trying to decide if I should ask my friend to take the hem up. I’m not sure. I’ll show ya!

  • XtianDobbZockON


    i love bottega! i have only had lunch there, but it was great. i’m usually one to say wine country is over rated even.

    • Yeah, I’ll go if some out-of-towners want to go, but I don’t even drink wine, so I feel like I have no business there except to EAT FOODS!!!

  • i think wine tastes like olives. i do not like olives.

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