On Saturday, Hairy and I were supposed to meet up with some peeps at Pier 41 to take a ferry to Angel Island for Daniel’s bday.
However, me staying up until 6am, and the Embarcadero being very crowded, meant that we missed the ferry that everybody else was on!!! So we just chillaxed around Pier 39 until the next ferry.
The island was very cute, but, it was sort of a boon that we missed the ferry cuz I don’t know that I was really up for a ton of hiking. I had also worn the wrong shoes. I think my Marvin the Martian Keds Sneakers from the 90s finally just make my feet 100% uncomfortable!! Good bye, old friends! I should have thrown you away after you made my toes bleed in Copenhagen!
After ferrying back to the SF, we all met up at Serpentine for some yummy yummy din dins.
Here is a short video snapshot of part of that day!
D’s bday: Angel Island, Serpentine from Twinkie Chan on Vimeo.