365 Days of TEES!

I feel like I keep wanting to apologize for not blogging about craft/crochet very much anymore. I’m guessing that might be how a lot of you started following this blog in the first place!

Truthfully, I don’t get to crochet very much these days (altho I’m trying to update Etsy, I swear!). I am doing a LOT of drawing. I am not at ALL trained to do so, and I’m fighting with Adobe Illustrator and my tablet like every night! Hahha. And so much of what I am working on is kinda secret for now, so then days go by that Iย  have nothing fun to post. But I hope that will make Yummy You’s reveal that much more exciting! Have I mentioned on my blog yet that we plan to sell items straight off our website? YAY!

Today I got two new tshirts from Delias. I will forever have mixed feelings about tshirts. I can’t stop buying them, but wearing them makes me feel like a lazy dresser, and just too casual all the time. But there are very few cute button up tees or darling blouses that I like and would actually wear on a daily basis. Then I revert back to the tshirt. I need a sponsor to wear a different tshirt every day for a year.

Hang out in my polka dot fort!

love bunnies

What rhymes with “Bibi”? Bibis not Dweebies!! Bibis not HeebieJeebies!!


This photo is a lie. I actually hate Twittering on my phone cuz my fingers are too big for the stupid little keys, plus I don’t have fancy “apps.


My bow is bigger than your bow.

yes, it’s spendy, but these days I justify clothing purchases as “R&D”

20 Comments on “365 Days of TEES!”

  • Jodie


    hah Im totally with you on the feeling guilty because its not dressy thing.
    Im like that with tees, or mostly cotton printed singlet tops, i always feel like im not dressy enough, being a “grown up” and all, but then nothing really appeals to me as much as cute print shirts, so i keep buying them, then thinking i should step outside the square and go dressy, but hey whatever makes you happy to wear!
    love your shirts <3

    • The other thing that’s getting tough about tshirts and jeans, is that for some reason it’s getting SO much harder for me to find jeans that actually fit me the right way!!!! Then I try to resort to dresses…..but then a lot of them are handwash-only and my goodness is that a pain in the rear!! ๐Ÿ˜› That’s the other great thing about tees: easy to wash!!!

      • Rebecca


        Loads to things say handwash but I always, always put them in the machine on my super deligate wash and they come out fantastic ๐Ÿ™‚

        • OH use the delicate cycle and lingerie bags, too!!! It’s just a pain to wash them separately and then we have such little space to hang dry stuff, espesh, cuz Hairy insists on hang drying all his tshirts, too ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Fay


    That pugs not drugs tshirt is AMAZING. I must have it! It’ll go with my “Pug Life” (like Thug Life) shirt. I’m with you on the ease of tshirts. And there’s so many great ones!

    Can’t wait for the Yummy You stuff xxx

  • I love your t-shirts, i am most happy in a t-shirt and ripped comfy jeans, I am trying to dress more girly though and try and make my own dresses….i have a long way to go xx

    • I REALLY want to learn to sew. Don’t know if my goal for learning in 2010 will happen, tho!

  • dear twinkie…… how I understand your feeling to collect t-shirts…I’m a t-shirt addicted…and Internet is a drug!ahahahahhaha

    • Ah, internet, Love you, hate you… hehe ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Nymphetamine


    I love seeing all your new clothes! I’m very much a t-shirt and jeans girl so it is nice to see how cute you make stuff look ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Sylvette Marie


    I dont buy anymore those Tshirt i look like i have 13 goin on 30 …:P but i like them sooo much but i have to put a stop and not buying anymore….


  • Ok, LazyOaf is a really good site. Thanks for sharing that! I live in cute tees, but they are hard to find!

  • I can’t get over that pug shirt, so cute! I usually wear a plain v-neck tee with skinny jeans, but I’m trying to get into wearing dresses more. I feel awkward and uncomfortable, but I’m sort of forcing myself because I feel like you do, when I’m in jeans I feel like I look lazy and sloppy. You pull it off though, I really like your wardrobe!


  • Alyssa


    I was going to get the tweet heart one! I really like the other ones but didnt see them at the one I went to on saturday. I really love the pug one! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Danielle


    Tshirts are the best and the cutest! I can’t wear buttons cuz then people can peak at my bewbs.

    p.s. I wanna feed bibi a strawberry<3

  • Meech


    I adore all the tees you bought! ๐Ÿ™‚ You should def do more blogs like this!
    Also.. I’m with you on the t-shirt thing! but as long as your comfortable then that’s all that matter ๐Ÿ™‚ it’s not like you’re in HUGGEEE baggy tees & sweat pants.. I could understand the wanting to be more dressy then :p I think tees & Jeans look awesome ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Michelle


    Your tees are so cute. I think you look great in anything and I personally love your tees. So don’t hate, appreciate that you are one of the lucky ones to have a closet full of cool tees. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Airemiss


    totally <3 the PUGS shirt!

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