Photo on 2010-01-25 at 17.34, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.
I was looking on Etsy for a bracelet that was 100% conversation hearts (no beads, other weird charms or jewels) but I couldn’t find any, so I asked my talented friend Teiva from Faeriesmak if she could make me one so I could buy it off her!
I love it! It’s perfect!!! I love even the tiny imperfections in the red letters and the realistic texture she got on the candies!!! LOVE IT!!! I promise to take better pics of it when I set up my lights.
I have ONE extra and I can’t decide whether to sell it on Etsy or include it in a cute blog givewaway.
What are your thoughts on Valentine’s Day? I have never been a big fan of it. I LOVE the AESTHETICS of it, but I don’t want to feel obligated to buy a ton of stuff for my S.O. or feel extra romantic or whatever just because it’s a certain day on the calendar. Hairy and I end up getting each other rando presents throughout the year, so I always think Valentine’s Day is a funny day to hit Red Lobster or something!! HAHA but then it’s so crowded everywhere that now I just don’t want to go anywhere on ANY holiday!!!! (insert story about St. Patty’s Day debacle.)
Anyway, since I have been so super busy, I don’t know if I’ll have time to do a Valentine’s day update in my Etsy shop, but I’ll try. Every day, something new comes up that I need to complete, so it’s really hard to plan!!!! Cross your fingers!