Hi Gang!
First off, check out this super amazing drawing by ZambiCandy!!! I cannot believe it!
And now onto business!
The New People Artist Village event is this Friday/Saturday, but I am also gearing up for SF Bazaar Bizaare on December 12-13.
I noticed at Renegade that lots of people wanted to pick up and play with the savory scarves like Bacon n Eggs, Popcorn, and Pizza, but that most people wanted to buy the sweets-themed scarves like Cupcakes.
This made me think that perhaps my December show should be sweets-only, cupcakes, cookies, cakes, gingerbread men, etc.
What do you think?
I think that the cutesypie sweets are just one part of what I do, and that the humor of the savory scarves is another big facet of my work. So, I usually like to show both.
However, I ran out of cupcake scarves at Renegade, so I wondered if I should have taken more time to make more cutesy stuff, rather than spending time making the savories. In the end, I sold the rest on Etsy anyway, but, I just want to bring stuff to the show that people will want to see and buy! I don’t want people to be disappointed if I run out of the thing that they wanted.
Anyway, if you guys have any thoughts (especially from people who might actually go) let me know!!!
Tonight I will be felting like crazy (pancake purse!), and probably making gingerbread men like crazy, cuz my yarn just arrived today!! EEP!!!!!