Herbies (wiwt) and Peamus (recipe)

Just jeans on the bottom! Dainty June top (I LOVE this line! Sold at All Mighty and other boutiques), Applenoggin necklace, holding a berry made by me! The shirt is making me a liiiiittle self-conscious about my little belly and muffins, but, whatever, it’s comfy and cute!

So Hairy has been cooking at home a bit more lately, which is delightful. 1) It’s helpful to not have to go out to eat as that sort of wastes time and I’m really pressed for time before the craft fair, 2) It’s nummy!

One of his concoctions is made of frozen peas, and it’s REALLY good. He calls it “smashy peas,” but I feel like I’ve seen something like that at restaurants, and it’s served hot and tastes more like a chunky pea soup. What he makes is cold, refreshing, very “green” tasting, and is more like a lemony hummus, but with green peas, and does not have that sort of mealy, grainy mouthfeel that bean dips can have. It’s 100% delightful and not at all pea-soup like. I think he pretty much transformed peas. We couldn’t think of a good name for it. I’ve been calling it Peamus. Here’s the recipe!!!


Whole bag of frozen peas, defrosted
1/2 cup olive oil
salt/pepper to taste
juice of one lemon
3-4 cloves of garlic
big handful of fresh mint
big handful of fresh parsley
half of a shallot

Put all this stuff into your food processor/blender, until you have the desired consistency, you know, hummus-like.

Hairy served it with a baguette. I think it could be a yummy alternative to mayo or mustard on a sandwich. I also just ate it with wheat thins. I almost feel like I could live on peamus and brownies and be happy.

EDIT!!: We’ve just been informed by CurvyQ that Peamus is in fact known as MOCK-A-MOLE!!!! Doh!!! I’d never heard of mockamole before, since I am not really knowledgeable at all of the world of food substitution!

8 Comments on “Herbies (wiwt) and Peamus (recipe)”

  • Kristin


    Thank you for sharing the recipe 🙂
    I will DEFINITELY try this, it sounds yummy!

  • CurvyQ


    Hey! That’s MOCK-amole… the low fat version of the dreamy avocado mush. Nums.

    • AHHHH! I just googled mockamole! I’d never heard of that before!!! You’re right!

  • Nikki


    What a gorgeous little crochet strawberry.

    Always glad to find new receipes to try, thanks for that.

  • Pam


    yummy! I have to try this.
    good post.

    • I try to encourage Hairy to share his recipes, but he wings it so much, that he has no idea how much of anything he puts in anything!

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