It’s funny what sounds Bibi is aware of:
1) Hair Spray = keep a distance or you’ll start sneezing.
2) Hairy’s cell phone = someone’s ringing the door bell & coming for a visit.
3) Egg shell cracking = yummy boiled egg snack.
4) Reverse beeping sound on the car = parking = soon time to get out of car and go play!
5) Banana getting peeled = snacks for Bibi!!!
We don’t feed our dogs at the table. Hairy was very insistent upon this when we first got Bibi as a baby. So now when we eat, they might get curious, but they’ll usually go and sleep on the couch instead of bugging us.
We do feed them human food, fresh, unseasoned human food like fruit and veggies and yogurt and cottage cheese, but these usually go in their doggie bowls so they know that our food is our food, and their food is their food.
However, boiled eggs and bananas seem to be the exception. I cannot shell an egg or peel a banana without Bibi getting all up in my face. So that’s where this video came from! Hairy had put out some tea, a pecan roll, and a banana for me for breakfast on Sunday, and once I hit the banana….I couldn’t shake the Bibi and ended up giving her the rest of it!
Today is all about sewing zippers and buttons = 2 of my least favorite things ever!!! It’s really hard for me to sew zippers onto the cute-tility packs. It’s a small amount of space to work with, and I have pins sticking all over the place, and I’m not a great seamstress to begin with. so I end up sticking myself a million times. Fun fun fun!
Today’s victim = Sweet Tooth cute-tility packs!! I’ve never sold teethpacks before. I only ever made one for my friend Elysse for her birthday. But I will be selling happy white teeth and sad yellow teeth at the craft fair!

Time to return to my personal zipper-hell!
Later I’ll try to post a really yummy “Hairy Cooks” recipe!