Most Boring Video Ever: YARN SHOPPING….

Yeah, so, I though it might be fun to “take” my blog yarn shopping with me by shooting secret video with my cell phone on my adventures.

The only problem is that I’m too scared/shy to video myself with my phone in a public place, plus I don’t want to get yelled at because I know many stores don’t want you to take pics inside. Also I’m pretty sure I look like a commie freak craft-store spy, so I’d be in deep dim sum if I got caught!

You do get a nice, fuzzy, barely audible soundbite inside of Michael’s craft store, but…..I’m tellin you…that’s the high point. I’ll try to do better next time!

Yarn Shopping! from Twinkie Chan on Vimeo.

I ended up buying like 5 bags of crap, and I shipped it all off today to my helper elves (yes, I has elves…TWO!). I’ve never boxed up that much yarn in my life. It was amazing. It was like 10+ lbs of fibrous, crafty potential.

I haven’t even bought the yarn yet that I need for myself!! I’ve been writing out patterns for my elves, and I also need to write new patterns for some new stuff I want to try for the craft fair (mixed candy scarves!). I think one of the funniest parts of my patterns are the horrible little drawings I create to try and help illustrate my instructions. I think they probably end up making everything even MORE confusing!!! They crack me up sometimes.

Don’t worry, graphic designers! I won’t be quitting my (nonexistent) day job!

2 Comments on “Most Boring Video Ever: YARN SHOPPING….”

  • QBug


    I really need to learn how to read patterns. I can only do it if I have a key/legend next to me.

    Also, your video cracks me up. I cannot be one of those people that videos themself in public… I get too embarrassed. But I have my awesome Flip, so I need to get over it. I have videos of all my friends, but none of me lol.

  • Lelaina


    i want to see the toilet plunger photos!

    i got my “Yum” singlet. thanks so much, its very sweet and special!!

    till next time >.<

    ~ Lelaina xx

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