So I have a really cool bf who is down with making pretty girlie art. I believe his pastry piece is case in point. (It needs a title!)
When we were in Hong Kong, a TON of stands at the night market were selling PILES and piles of these bread and pastry-shaped wrist pads. You are supposed to use them to support your wrist while you are using your mouse….and they also are supposed to SMELL life like. They are really squishy and I can’t imagine using them for their intended purpose. We decided to make art out of them, and Hairy handled the execution!
He took a spare canvas and painted it pink. Then he created a stencil for the brown frosting and let it drip a little. Then he glued all the pastries on along with a little doily. I think it’s pretty bad ass and now it’s in our kitchen!
Also I don’t think I ever posted a pic of our Naoshi postcards. We bought them at the Sugarcraft show when we were in Chicago. I DESPERATELY wanted an original Naoshi sand painting, but obvs I didn’t have that kind of money to throw down for art, so we picked up 3 post cards, and Hairy painted this frame sparkly pink!!!! So cool!
I have to go now and make our Star Trek shirts… later!