I had a very late start today and could not bring myself to fix my hair. The thought of dealing with hair product and curling irons was deffo not appealing with all the unpacking and crafting I really need to do!!
So, Post-Trip Style Tip: make it easy on yourself!!! Easy for me is messy pigtails accented with a big bow. Takes two seconds. Easy. Peasy. Poof!
Also, there’s a sneak peak of the new scarf project I’m working on: Easter Egg Radish!
I suppose it will be more like a necklace than a scarf. I might sell all the radishes separately so you can pick/choose your own colors and how thick you want the scarf to be. I’m not sure yet. I also want to do carrot bunches and turnip bunches. I’m really into having tiny little plushies dangling on scarves right now!