There’s been a wee bit of holiday happenins as of late over here.
Last Friday night, Hairy and I went with Oliver & Esther to his mom’s house to decorate gingerbread houses. I haven’t decorated a (real) gingerbread house since I was little, and it was never really a tradition when I was growing up. It was really fun, except that Hairy kept covering EVERYTHING I did with icing! He said it was snow and that it was realistic….

Check out my most triumphant snowman! I can’t believe he stayed upright during a drive across the Golden Gate Bridge.

Then on Sunday, Hairy and I hosted a white elephant gift exchange, and a “food that looks like other food” potluck. We ate some pretty crazy stuff (and had to supplement with snacks from Trader Joe’s), so you should check it out on!
For the gift exchange, Hairy made a t-shirt at Bang-On in the Haight:

In future holiday happenins: I believe Hairy and I are driving down to Disneyland this weekend to join a group of gals decked out in ugly Christmas sweaters. I still have to make mine! Hairy already bought his!
This morning I had to take Bibi to the vet because one of her toes is like twice its normal size. The vet didn’t seem too concerned and gave her some antibiotics and painkillers. She has been sleeping all day. I was able to get myself ready and the dogs out the door in 20 minutes. This is a record for me. I seem to have gotten all my clothes on properly but I did realize later that Bunny’s harness was on upside down……