Milk N Puppies

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I just felted a milk carton “Cute-ility Pack.” Those are my felting gloves. I never knew the wonders of dishwashing gloves before I started felting. They protect you from super hot water, and the nubs also provide perfect friction!!! That is the wooden spoon I always use to dry my felted items. I stick the spoon in a jar and throw the fanny pack (opening is on the back on this one) over the spoon so lots of air can get through. It’s to match the chocolate chip cookies stuff I’ve been making. Also I had to try to make this the other night: So, Bibi’s mange is really itchy, so I tried to make her this outfit to keep her from digging her nails into the base of her neck/chin. American Apparel sweater for dogs + a cut up red t-shirt + my horid handsewing skills + Hairy cutting out ear holes = sad Bibi. Tonight I am picking up some old turtle necks from my mom, so hopefully those will work a little better. The “thing” I made keeps falling down her neck because there is no elastic!

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