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So cool!

By Browncoat

(I know this is totally huge and unviewable at, but don’t worry. I’m going to re-do the blog area of the site so that there’s more room and it’s easier to read and look at stuff!)

Also, fun moment from last night before I went to take a shower:

Hairy: The size of your hair is not directly related to your attractiveness.

Me: Um….. you’re wrong! *closes door*

So Real It’ll Make Ya Barf

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There is something very very wrong about this photo to me, yet it’s also too funny not to share, I think. It just reeks (haha) of real life. You’re in the middle of trying to take some okay-looking photos for somebody and then your dog takes a major dump on the patio that you need to pick up before the flies attack the poo buffet.


Now selling on/at Oak in Boston!

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I now have some stuff available at a boutique in Boston called OAK. I hope all my Boston friends go and visit and tell me all about it!

Stuff will also be available at the website,, soon.

Cupcake Parade!

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I know I said I was going to make a fruity post on eBay, but I was sort of overcome by cupcake fever!

Cupcake pouches, swarovski pins….yup yup!

Have you seen my checkbook?….

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Me: Um, have you seen my checkbook anywhere?

Hairy: No, is it in a specific holder or cover?

Me: Yeah. JOHN DENVER!!!


(obvy, I found it.)

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