Rambo Adventures at Souffles Cafe!

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My dad came up to the city over the weekend to have dinner. When we asked what he wanted for dessert, he said: SOUFFLE. Lucky for us, in the time of Google and iPhones, Hairy quickly located a place called Souffles Cafe near North Beach that was open late, so off we went!

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Souffles Cafe is uber Chinese, and not French, as some might assume. They have a lot of souffle flavors (I got chocolate, my dad got grand marnier, but almost banana, and Hairy got coffee), and tons of other Hong Kong cafe snacks like egg puffs and sweet soup desserts and “house made snail meats” (okay that’s not really a dessert) and lots of tea.

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Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 11.01.42 PMMy dad and I usually always get a hot Hong Kong Milk Tea, and Hairy gets his iced. HK milk tea is a really strong black tea with lots of sweetened condensed milk and probably also sugar to boot. It’s sweet and creamy and keeps me up at night, but I love it! There are many powdered versions as well, and we have tried A LOT of them. My favorite so far is one made by Lipton, but we can only find it in Hong Kong, so we stock up when we are there. The key is finding a powdered milk tea that produces a really creamy/milky beverage. Get with it, U.S.A!

Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 11.02.29 PMI hadn’t really noticed, but Hairy suddenly remarked that Souffles Cafe was especially awesome because the Chinese channel was playing RAMBO. I am pretty sure that the English translation here is, “My souffle is so good, it’s making me have a mental breakdown and kill people….”

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Don’t worry. I ate the souffle and stayed sane.

The other really cool thing about Souffles Cafe is the bathroom. They are really protective of their bathroom, and I respect that big time. Don’t be disgusting out there, people!

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The souffles there are pretty big, and I could only finish half of mine. I told Hairy that if I tried to finish it, I would have to start breakin’ all kinds of bathroom rules. I’m fun to eat with!


Free Crochet Pattern: Goldfish Cracker Pin!

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Goldfish1Sorry for the blog-silence! I’ve been busy catching up with work, writing Michaels.com patterns, planning cool collabs for Yummy You! (p.s. our Ice Cream & Sunnies tee is now only $12.50!) and working on a few website updates (nothing big, just updating the Press section and the slideshow on the landing page!).

GoldfishPattern6I thought I would make it up to you guys by posting another free pattern here! It’s for the little Goldfish Crackers! You can use them as pins, hair clips, and someone mentioned wanting the pattern to make a mobile for her baby. Cute idea! I do not intend to sell anymore in my shop, so that is why I am sharing the pattern for free here.

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Free Crochet Pattern: Marigold Triangle Shawl

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MarigoldShawlModelsmallMy free crochet pattern for September is up at Michaels.com! Happy Saturday!

I’m re-posting this pattern here on my blog, since Michaels.com re-vamped its entire site and scrubbed out a lot of patterns. It’s a Marigold Triangle Shawl!

With Autumn just around the corner, I wanted to make something cozy and cheerful, and I couldn’t take my mind off granny-square afghans! I thought we could also celebrate the colors of the season with bright marigold blossoms, which I especially love because they are edible! Loops & Threads T-shirt yarn is a fun material for making pom-poms, since you get variegated colors in one ball with a cute, chunky look, and Candy Corn is absolutely perfect for our marigolds. So let’s get comfy with a classic granny-triangle shawl accented with fun pops of color! Kitsch-factor on maximum!


The neat thing about this pattern is that once you get the hang of it, you can just keep going forever and ever and make the shawl as big or small as you like. My marigolds (which are edible flowers!) are made with Loops & Threads’ new tshirt yarn, which makes for nice and squishy pompoms.

marigoldshawlblurI hope you guys have fun cuddling and twirling with your new triangle shawls!

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Fun Stuff Round Up!

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The freeform crochet work of Svyazka on Etsy. This Mushroom Clearing pillow is SO CUTE. I want one!

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Neon Pink Members Only Jackets! via AgentLover. She wrote about how her dad wore Members Only while she grew up, and mine did, too! Actually, I broke down and bought one! I think I’m gonna stick my Gary Basemen ice cream patch on it!

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Cool Comic Backpack from F21.

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Delicious Mint Platform Creepers from Moooh.

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A Unicorn Farted in My Nail Polish at Llarowe.com. I totally bought this, but I haven’t tried it yet. I know it’s spendy at $11, but, I dunno, THE NAME.

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Tony Moly Petite Bunny Lip Gloss Bars on eBay. I know these have been around for a while, but I never really looked them up. How cute are those faces? I ordered Juicy Grape and Juicy Strawberry!

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Announcing the winner of my Summer Sweets Giveaway!

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Congrats to Clare for her winning entry!

Thanks so much to everyone for entering my giveaway! I really appreciate the support, and I had a fun time reading all your favorite summer moments :). I don’t often get to hear from everyone, so it was a nice opportunity!

I’ll try to remember to do more giveaways in the future! They’re fun!

p.s. Sorry for the radio silence. I’ve been a bit sick the past few days! When I feel better, I’ll be posting a new free pattern on the blog :).

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