I just posted this on Instagram as a sample of the mess that is my craft room. The floor is covered in boxes filled with yarn, WIPs, and various craft supplies.
I actually have a mind to re-arrange the whole room, but I have a few crochet deadlines to meet before setting aside time for Craft Room Overhaul. I am also afraid I will never make time for the overhaul, so hopefully I can zip thought my project for the Sugar High Club art show as well as a secret Yummy You sample (and also assorted Etsy orders) in a fairly timely manner!
I tend to always feel overwhelmed and always behind. I make lots of lists. I live by lists. It feels good to cross things off lists. But I still feel behind!
I know that part of the solution is to learn to say “no” more when it comes to work-related projects, and I think I’m getting better at that, but it’s hard to say no to participating in fun things! Even when I was working in publishing, I always felt behind, always took work home. There were always stacks and stacks of manuscripts to get through, and then more stacks after that. I have never lived my adult life any other way. I suppose this has its pros and its cons!
Speaking of fun projects, I will have a really super awesome great new pattern in a “bookazine” that’s dropping on the 20somethingth of February. I’ll keep you guys posted! I’m so excited for this one!!!!