A few years ago, my brother and his wife thought of this idea to have a joint birthday bbq at my parents’ house since we are both summer babies. One year we had a burger cook off, and I was too lazy to edit the video, and now I have no idea where those files are.
The photo above is my brother and me, in the super hero capes that Manda made for us. We are all very special people.
Anyhoo, we organized the burger cook off again this year. I didn’t invite my veggie/vegan friends, because they are nice people and would offer to come anyway probably, but I just wouldn’t want to torture them with the celebration of meats that would ensue.
I made the score sheets and prize ribbons the night before at like 3am. It’s helpful to have lots of craft supplies available at home at all times!
Root for your favorite contender and see who wins!
p.s. it’s not my birthday until August 6th. I’ll be 35!
oh p.p.s. The use of “Rush” for the music came about because we were watching Adventures of Power, which is a really funny movie about a dude who loves air drumming.