I’m back! What I’d miss?! Where can you buy Yummy You?

Hi Hi!

OH gosh this move has been epic! I don’t know why it was so hard! The new house is still a giant mess that needs to be organized, but I finally unpacked all my yarn and can start working again! Also we have been in this house for a week, but tonight was the first night the internet actually worked! We had to call AT&T for a kabillion techs and it felt like my whole week was devoted to waiting for them. But it works now, so phew!!!!

Yummy You is now available at a few sites!! These are the ones that I know of, although there may be more. YummyYouClothing.com is still a few months away from offering items for sale πŸ™ but you can still get your hands on Yummy You at:

JapanLA! YAY!!! Check out the super cute photos starring zilla308!

ModCloth! More YAY!!!

NerdKungFu.com! I just met Mr. NerdKungFu at the Pooltradeshow a few weeks ago and he was super duper nice!

Pink Addict!

Tilly’s! (selling scarf/mitt sets!)

TheGiantPeach! (How cute is their model?)

Go shop!! πŸ™‚

In the meantime, I have a few fun secret projects to work on as well as continuing to organize the new place.

Here is Bibi helping:

18 Comments on “I’m back! What I’d miss?! Where can you buy Yummy You?”

  • sheppicakes


    Welcome back Twinkie Chan! Can’t wait to get my hands on your goodies, or Yummy You goodies out here in LA! πŸ˜€

  • Jules Chan


    Well done, Bibi looks knacked after all that helping out!

  • Taleena


    I love how they say their knitted on all the sites. XD Bibi looks adorable! <3 Sleepy dogs are so sweet and cute. I like the chocolate chip cookie set. I just preordered your book on amazon finally the other day and I can't wait to get it. The tshirts are awesome. You're such a great designer! Moving sucks but settling in is nice. πŸ˜€ Here's to a quick and smooth unpacking.

    • Thank you, Taleena! It’s been so hard to balance work that I must do, and also unpacking that I must do!!!

  • Taleena


    And how can I work for the company you partnered with and just get paid to crochet. XD That would be the best job ever.

    • … where do you live? πŸ™‚

      • Taleena



  • chinamommy


    moving… ALWAYS soooooo fun… UGH! I’ve moved a million times and HATE it!
    Whoooo-hoooo on going big time! I’m still amazed at how much you can get done! I just did a neck wrap and it took 2 nights, how in the world can you made SO much stuff??? AMAZING!

  • Annais


    You should NOT have just posted those links, lol. I just went and bought even more scarves and mitts. I’m going to look like an even bigger food nerd than before.

  • Sandy


    she definitely feels great in the new place – hope you’ll do a house tour *so nosy* πŸ™‚


    • I feel mixed about a house tour! On one hand, I LOVE seeing other people’s houses!!! On the other, it seems so personal and oddly invasive. I might give a few peeks here and there. We’ll see! Right now, it’s still all one big mess of random items all over the floor!

  • shrinkydink


    Not to be rude or anything but when are you opening your Etsy shop again?

    • πŸ™‚ No worries, that’s a totally legit question! I hope to open again in the next 2 weeks. I just have two huge non-Etsy projects I need to complete and then I can finish up some Etsy items :). I need more clones of myself!

  • P i p e r


    Hi! Hi! What kind of dog is Bibi?

    • Hi !! She is half shar pei and half basset hound. They are sometimes called “mini walruses” !

  • Sydney


    This is a rather random question…but how much do the pear scarfs cost? ..and how would I go about possibly ordering one? haha πŸ™‚ It’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.

    • Hi there! Usually $140. I unfortch do not have time to take special orders, but I just sent two pear scarves to http://www.shanalogic.com so they might post soon!

      • Sydney


        ahh! thank you! thank you! your scarves are amazing!

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