Sooooo I have been alluding to a big announcement for a little while, and I wanted to wait for some of the paperwork to clear up before mentioning anything. Then, I lagged on saying anything because I got mired in the stress of it all, and then it didn’t seem like such exciting news anymore…. and then it was like… what is the statute of limitations on hinting at something exciting….being able to announce it…and then failing to mention it anymore and let it fade and pretend like you never mentioned it in the first place? Hehehe, Ok maybe I over-think!
Anyhoodles….!!! My news is this:
YummyYou! by Twinkie Chan
There’s not really anything up there yet, just a placeholder, but everything has been happening at lightning speed and this is all I got right now! (btw….does the pic have a blue-ish hue to you? Let me know how it appears on your monitors!!! I am still having weird color issues I think!)
So yes, I partnered with a company to help me mass-produce (but still hand-make) my scarves and stuff and bring it to a bigger level. It’s what I’ve wanted for a long time, and I’m excited and scared that it is starting to happen. I could have tried to go bigger on my own, but I really didn’t want to end up spending all my time managing more helpers, dealing with quality control, handling fulfillment on a larger scale, etc. In fact, perhaps un-like many crafters, I never really dreamed of running my own business. I don’t have the entrepreneurial blood. I have the creative blood! Some people have both. I kinda don’t :P. I want to have lots of time to design new things…and considering how long it takes me to design/make ONE scarf … I need all the time I can get!
We went into super warp-drive, because the company was excited, and we were excited that they were excited, and we are prepping for a booth at the Pool Tradeshow (or the Magic Tradeshow) in Vegas on February 16-18. We kind of attempted to create something out of nothing in just TWO MONTHS. Sourcing the crochet goods. Making/designing new and exciting samples you’ve never seen before. Designing tees and hoodies. Packaging. Everything. It’s been crazy. Plus I’ve been working on my book! So this is why my Etsy shop has been like a ghost town!
The cool thing is that you will soon be able to get all your favorite Twinkie Chan goodies at a more affordable price, and there will definitely be more than, like, two cupcake scarves available at one time :).
I will still be here as Twinkie Chan, with my Etsy shop, designing new stuffs and handmaking old-favorites. Yummy You! will be the icing on the proverbial cake :).
So I can’t wait to share more about all of this as it happens! It’s really weird and bizarre and I have no idea how it will all pan out. But my goal for 2009, when I quit my publishing job, was to find a great company to work with, and I met that goal. 2010 will be a wild ride! It has been so far!
P.S. If there are cool/cute boutiques in your area that you think would love to carry Yummy You! by Twinkie Chan, please do leave a comment, and a link to it if possible. THANK YOU! Happy Friday!