I have not really been crocheting the past few days. I have been drawing and drawing and drawing for my big project. As you may already know, I am not good at drawing, especially on the computer! I have a very limited knowledge of Photoshop, and pretty much NO knowledge of Illustrator. I do not fancy myself a graphic artist by an means, so having to come up with a bunch of visuals is really weird for me, and I have little confidence in it. However, I do want my “stink,” so to speak, all over this project, so I am going to do my best to make it as Twinkie Chan-riffic as possible! Sorry this is all so vague. I can’t really reveal anything yet…!
So, instead, I will share some things I have bookmarked lately!! You can click on the images to go to their respective pages!
What is everyone doing for NYE? Usually we do nothing. Last year we went to Tahoe, which was kinda weird, but at least fun to play in the snow! I’m curious especially about what people in SF/Bay Area are up to!