Thank You! I’m old!!

Geritol & Depends,

6 Comments on “Thank You! I’m old!!”

  • Raisa


    Oooh! Happy belated birthday! I hope you had fun night!

    ♥ Raisa

  • Marie


    It has to be said — you are just adorable. Hope to own a Twinkie Chan original one day. 🙂

  • Michelle


    No way its your birthday too? Seems like everyone has one this month. And here I thought that August was a boring month. Mine is on Sunday. Hope you had a great one!

    • oooh ahh! happy belated bday!!!

  • Melanye K


    you’re so cute!! what are you recording with? it’s so crystal clear! happy bday again 😀

    • i just use photobooth on my mac 🙂

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