What the “craft bench” looks like right now.
Someone asked me what my craft area looks like, and, you’re kinda looking at it. I live in a loft, so there are no separate rooms for organization. I basically take over the living room. I have yarn stash in one corner, photo lights in another corner, and some crafty supplies in another corner. I like to sit on the floor and work, so I’m usually on the living room rug, leaning against the couch. If I have to lay out my work, I use the skinny table/bench behind the couch.
My official craft table is a bit of a wreck right now. I usually don’t work at it unless I’m doing something with beads. Otherwise, it’s storage and a place to put crap down!
In more administrative news, you may notice a change in the way comments/replies work on my blog. I really wanted you guys to be notified if I or someone else reply to your comments here. If I leave a comment on someone’s blog, I usually won’t check back on that entry to see if I got a response. I just won’t remember. So I like when I get notified if someone replies to me. That is why I made that change here.
Hairy told me that without notifications, commenters are encouraged to return to the page to see if they got a response, which would increase your site traffic numbers(?). I understand that from a numbers standpoint, but from a user’s standpoint, I’m personally just not going to check back!
So if you hate this change, I can also give you the option of deciding whether or not you get a reply message. But I like it this way because I feel it creates more of a dialogue between you and me (and others), and that’s what I feel that blogging is about, at least for myself, at this moment in time. With blogger, I can check a box to get a notification or not, but sometimes I forget to check the box! So I like the default. Let me know your thoughts.
Anyhoo, today I decided to curl my bangs under! It looked better before I brushed them out. I prefered it a bit piece-y, since I curled them in three sections. Oh well! Now I know for next time! Finger-brush, not brush-brush!
Last night, Hairy made pho!
I think it’s exciting we also get the dish of greens n things just like at a restaurant!
Now I’m going back to sewing pepperonis onto pizzas!!!