This ghetto fobulousness is heading back to the homeland(s) on Tuesday: Hong Kong and Shanghai. I’m going with Hairy, my pops, my bro, and his lady, and we’ll be gone until the 9th. I’m excited to go away, but also I will miss my puppies, and also I will be stressing about not working/making money!! I’m gonna pack a bunch of projects and hope that there is some time to work, sad but true!

Anyhoodles, this is one of the shirts I made and had printed at zazzle.com. My brother works there. I’ve never liked the quality of print for CafePress or Spreadshirt shirts. I printed the exact same design at Spreadshirt as I did with Zazzle, and the one from Zazzle is way better. Don’t expect miracles, but, honestly, I was surprised how pleased I was with the Zazzle shirts….especially on dark clothing.
Today I need to drop off a mac-n-cheese cowl at my tattoo shop for their art show. The party is on Friday, April 3rd from 8pm to 11pm at Idle Hand Tattoo in the Lower Haight. I’ll still be out of the country, but please go and tell me what it’s like!! 😛
So everyone be well, save all your exciting stories for when I’m back, and….oh yeah….. DON’T EAT MANDARINQUATS!! THEY ARE YUCKY NO MATTER WHAT HAIRY SAYS!!!